So it was a bit dark when I grabbed this little load up. I had a bunch of it on the stove top drying off as normal, and then I saw something odd a perfectly round little ice ball, so I went to grab it and it wasn't even cold how could that be.Hey dancan.
Nice haul there. How do you buck those up and split them, 16" and in half?
Never seen the tool, looks sweet, what is it. I don't hit rocks often, but like to get the dirt at the base and mainly cut very hard wood.
Here's my little load for the day.
5 nice pieces of locust I had out back for chairs in the gravel pit for shooting chairs and tables. They went right in the house for this weeks wood.View attachment 481105
Turns out it wasn't ice it was something out of a bullet. Upon further investigation I found shot and what i would guess is a full metal jacketed 223 bullet