sounds good!Heck yeah!
I've got the walleyes dialed in until mayfly hatch. Some good pike lakes too if you want some pickling filets.
sounds good!Heck yeah!
I've got the walleyes dialed in until mayfly hatch. Some good pike lakes too if you want some pickling filets.
Cleaned up the saws last night and left them on the floor in the sauna overnight to dry off.
Back in the garage, until next time.
View attachment 492919
Nice!way to go! I got out my 019T yesterday and after letting it warm up good, put that lil sucker to work... but alas, I confess to not cleaning it up just yet. besides, got into some hard oak noodling and while the lil limber's performance is continually noteworthy... a kiss to its chain's cutting teeth is warranted. ah, shucks man... check it out...![]()
Nice afternoon in the woods.
Cut some trees, did some timed cuts (having issues uploading the video), and enjoyed the fresh air.
Started with this mostly dead aspen.
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Then this maple that was slowly tipping over.
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This maple was dead and mangled and the big birch finished off the one decent limb.
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This threw me for a loop but saw was ok. Luckily had another saw to free it.
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here's one of several we scrounged from a farmer down the road.. mostly silver maple but did get one nice red oak that i got a nice 8 foot log out of for some lumber. sorry but only one pic of my buddy working a maple. i was busy sawin down more trees View attachment 493053 and trying to beat the snow we never got.
was going to use my Echo featherlight... but decided to give my 019T a run out in the pasture... small job by some AS standards, after all no mountain snow fell when I bucked the oak limb, didn't need a skidder to move to firewood stack... but still dangerous by any stretch of one's imagination in the wrong hands... and even for my small chainsaw tasks... I wear my PPE chaps! good day of making firewood and my saw ran like a top... looking fwd to cleaning it up... and servicing and kissing its chain and bar...
View attachment 492934
Absolutely!Beautiful scenery. You cut the same stuff as I, the dead, the doomed, and the down. It is good for us and the forest.