Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Dropped a large limb from an ornamental pear tree. White flowers everywhere, nice hard wood. I'll be going after one of the biggest Redbuds I've seen sometime this week.
It was a beautiday up here ,got the honeydo list done by 1:00 pm so off to the woods I went .
A mile down the road is almost as good as in your back yard :)


I headed out to the survey line to move yesterday's logs , since they were full length I knew I wouldn't be able to get them to turn 90* onto the logging road . I rigged to haul across and then I could turn them because I had more room on the other side .
I set a pulley in a tree on the other side .


And winched to it .



It worked perfectly :)
I cut down a couple more maples but over the last couple of hauls I noticed the tractor surging and would quit at idle so before trying to head out I checked the fuel filter bowl , in doing so I found that the filter housing which has a fuel shutoff wasn't letting fuel through it at all :(
Luckily , Jerry showed up with the MF135 :)
As good a time as any to install the new winch line so we got the new cable on the winch , rolled it out to the tractor and found that I was 175' in the woods , the cable is 165' , good thing I had chain with the tractor LOL
At least we tensioned the new winch cable ;)


When I got to the road we released and spooled up the cable a second time while I kept my foot on the brake .



Got towed back to the landing , it's kind of a good thing it happened , as I was getting the housing off I found out the the 12+ wire going to the starter had chaffed on a bracket and was arcing occasionally so that's gonna get fixed , sure is better than having to deal with an unexplained tractor fire .
Didn't get any wood hauled to the landing but we got some on the ground ready .
It was a good day :)
Hope y'all had a good day

Mighty Mouse Logging LLC
Scrounging , our speciality :)
Hi guys [waves] thought it time to say hello and thanks for all the lovely photos! [/waves]
I've been reading through this thread for several months and feel like I've got to know the regulars, svk, farmer Steve, nomad archer, mustang mike and his nephew, dancan, ambull... Lots of lovely stories told that I've enjoyed reading. Especially enjoy the countryside photos! It's a bit different around here..... Suburban London. The original one, in England. I have a typical house (very small by your standards), in densely built up London, I'm 7 miles from..... Errrr where would you guys know?... Oh yes Big Ben. Everyone is on mains gas and uses that for central heating but I enjoy a small wood stove too(5kW... What's that it BTU?). I scrounge where I can and get most of my wood from tree service guys, then CSS myself. Don't laugh now.. stihl ms180 meets my needs, split by hand with a fiskars x27 ( got that after reading about it on here!). Small house, small stove which is just a luxury, so luckily only need a small wood pile. I've about 1.5 cord ready for next winter. I say luckily as it costs a bit more over here. Cut and seasoned hard wood, delivered in London is about £100/m³. That's about £350/cord or about US$500. Hence why I scrounge. Thankfully London is the greenest city in the world, lots of public parks, tree lined roads and once out the very centre every house has a small garden (yard). But I do mean small by your standards! Still lots of trees needing pruning. All these 'yard' trees mean I rarely get straight grain that splits easily and find it hard to believe all your stories of'i split a cord this evening'....I seem to battle almost every piece! I've also hit a few nails and stuff with the saw.... Grrrr! Wood wise although there is plenty of hard wood around here, oak, ash, beech, birch and London plane, maple, cherry, apple, pear, most tree surgeons will sell this on to firewood processing, so it's mainly soft stuff i get for free. Horse chestnut, leylandii, laurel is fairly common.... Plus the odd bit of hard ( I had 2 oaks that had to be felled in my own garden.. 20"+ dbh..I didn't have a stove at the time but my brother did so it wasn't wasted).
Anyway, I doubt you'll be impressed by photos of my car Skoda Octavia, would you call that a sedan?) loaded with a boot, sorry a trunk load of wood, photos of a ms180 and a pile of small diameter soft wood, or photos of a 6'6" x 8'6" garden shed full with my spoils, but please keep posting up your photos and stories, they are fun and I've learnt a lot too.

Oh yes, might ask over in the splitting tool review thread but, opinions on the fiskars isocore 8 lb maul? As I said, I get a lot of awkward wood that defeats the x27. I have a sledge and wedges too but some of this stuff.... Well it gets noodled or thrown to one side! Small stove means small load pieces so splitting can be a big part of the work. I'm considering the 8lb-er for use on the harder pieces where the wedges or saw is the only option. It's not available in the UK yet but today I found a seller on that looks like they will ship, only $59.05 too, although international shipping and import fees push it to almost double - £75 Can't seem to find many 8lb mauls on sale here though, few decent brands, but I did find the stihl pro cleaving hammer, hickory handle with steel overstrike protection plate and 3.8kg (that's 8.3lbs in old money) not sure if that includes the handle though, and at almost £80 is not cheap plus when your aim is as bad as mine can be the isocore fiskars lifetime guarantee is very appealing! I've emailed fiskars to ask if the isocore will be available here, as I'd guess it would be cheaper then and i may wait but....Any comments welcome!
Dancan, with that winch its like your cheating! Man I'm jealous

You'd be amazed what 21hp and a the smallest logging winch will do :)
My mechanic at the shop heats with wood , has a 40 acre lot and a 36hp tractor , I said to him that he should watch the ads for a winch , they pop up every couple of months , he looked at me and said "I'm not as serious about getting firewood as you" , I told him that it was because I was lazy .
I'll do in a morning what it takes him all weekend to do and I'll hear him complain on Monday how hard the working weekend at the camp was .
Yup , I'm lazy .
I found what stopped the tractor , the fuel shutoff on the filter housing rotated a plastic gate to close off the fuel , the tabs broke on the aluminium handle and the plastic turned enough to shutoff the fuel .
All fixed now :)
I . . . smell . . . NOODLES!

That base is going to be a noodle fest. The this is as big as the front end of my truck. I think I will noodle before the bucking cut just so the partial rounds are manageable. I am a touch jumpy around this butt section. I was thinking boy a ported 395xp or 046 with a 36" bar would make short work of this. I warned my wife that I will be making a mess getting that cut up.
That base is going to be a noodle fest. The this is as big as the front end of my truck. I think I will noodle before the bucking cut just so the partial rounds are manageable. I am a touch jumpy around this butt section. I was thinking boy a ported 395xp or 046 with a 36" bar would make short work of this. I warned my wife that I will be making a mess getting that cut up.
Take lots of pics and don't leave us hangin. Good luck, looks like a half assed tree service did the work.
It was a beautiday up here ,got the honeydo list done by 1:00 pm so off to the woods I went .
A mile down the road is almost as good as in your back yard :)


I headed out to the survey line to move yesterday's logs , since they were full length I knew I wouldn't be able to get them to turn 90* onto the logging road . I rigged to haul across and then I could turn them because I had more room on the other side .
I set a pulley in a tree on the other side .


And winched to it .



It worked perfectly :)
I cut down a couple more maples but over the last couple of hauls I noticed the tractor surging and would quit at idle so before trying to head out I checked the fuel filter bowl , in doing so I found that the filter housing which has a fuel shutoff wasn't letting fuel through it at all :(
Luckily , Jerry showed up with the MF135 :)
As good a time as any to install the new winch line so we got the new cable on the winch , rolled it out to the tractor and found that I was 175' in the woods , the cable is 165' , good thing I had chain with the tractor LOL
At least we tensioned the new winch cable ;)


When I got to the road we released and spooled up the cable a second time while I kept my foot on the brake .



Got towed back to the landing , it's kind of a good thing it happened , as I was getting the housing off I found out the the 12+ wire going to the starter had chaffed on a bracket and was arcing occasionally so that's gonna get fixed , sure is better than having to deal with an unexplained tractor fire .
Didn't get any wood hauled to the landing but we got some on the ground ready .
It was a good day :)
Hope y'all had a good day

Mighty Mouse Logging LLC
Scrounging , our speciality :)

looks like you had fun! see u got your tractors all rigged up! :) nice day to be out in the woods....
You'd be amazed what 21hp and a the smallest logging winch will do :)
My mechanic at the shop heats with wood , has a 40 acre lot and a 36hp tractor , I said to him that he should watch the ads for a winch , they pop up every couple of months , he looked at me and said "I'm not as serious about getting firewood as you" , I told him that it was because I was lazy .
I'll do in a morning what it takes him all weekend to do and I'll hear him complain on Monday how hard the working weekend at the camp was .
Yup , I'm lazy .
I found what stopped the tractor , the fuel shutoff on the filter housing rotated a plastic gate to close off the fuel , the tabs broke on the aluminium handle and the plastic turned enough to shutoff the fuel .
All fixed now :)

>All fixed now :)

way to go! ;)
That's a decent sized cedar. We have tons of it here and it does smell good in the pit. It's hell on the Saw's running gear, all that sap gums up the bar and chain.

AO - if I had replied to your message here when u first posted it up, I would have said... well, my cedar seems to be quite dry, cut easy and even broke apart as I bucked it from the feller's earlier work. and as such, I didn't experience any sap gumming things up. however.... however...

today I got around to cleaning my 019T and sharpening its chain, servicing the bar, etc. I had a bit of a surprise. after setting up to file the first tooth of chain, I noted a lot of hard, gummy stuff on my chain's links... :eek: at first on the top of the teeth and also on sides... with a hint of purple to it. almost immediately your message came to mind. omg, I was in for some real cleaning today, and even though I carefully cleaned, chipped, scrapped and lightly filed as in draw knife action... didn't get it all off this go around. omg! as they say first time for everything... cutting oak doesn't leave such a mess! bar was basically unaffected and a new chain would solve any cosmetic issues, but heck... it has a new chain. lol. so I did a dance and gig on it :dancing::happybanana:and cleaned it up good and ensured all links moved freely together. but I can tell you, for sure... cedar is off my list of wood acceptable to me. unless its down and blocking my way... doubt I will be cutting any more cedar! PITA!

no, this is not rust on my chain, it is cedar sap residue from cutting what I consider a small amount of cedar, but left a lot of gummy residue... actually more hard than soft. and this is after I cleaned it!! will put small wire wheel to sides next sharpening session before I do the chain's teeth...

but all in all, I am happy with the condition of the chain other than just some cosmetics... that cr*p got into everything and everywhere on the chain... but I filed it and cleaned the bar and like how it all serviced up...

picco sharpening kit; stihl



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when I sharpen my chain I like to take clutch housing off, apart, and clean inside, and put light coat of lube to the needle bearing on PTO end of crank... inside the drum there was an accumulation of wood dust on sides where shoes ride... and in the clutch assembly some small clumps, too. cleaned and serviced up routinely.P3210001.JPG

well, all's well that ends well... but I admit, it took an extra hour so so to get that chain back into some kinda shape I might want to go cut wood with... real PITA!

019T all set and ready to go... actually, I leave my saw's chains loose at day end, unload the PTO bearing and angle the bar up, then snug nut. then when going to cut wood, reset everything to spec... for some "deep running!' P3210005.JPG
I pulled the chain around a few times with my gloved hand, adding some gear lube oil to the chain's drive links and bar's guide... just to get all the bushings, bells and whistles wet and lubed... some stihl bar lube will get run across it etc, before teeth's new edges cut again... standard fare, mist line off the tip. I check it 2-3 times each tank full... ensure she is oiling well. and then put 'er away until 'the next time'. but having been advised of GANS... generally accepted noodling standards... vs end cutting a chunk, I doubt I will noodle with my 019T. I can see how the wood grain would lend itself to noodled noodles... :) but alas, I have a 14" bar... and see no reason to noodle with it. just not long enough... so, if and when I decide to do more noodling prob will be with my 026...

happy as a bug in a rug! ~


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