Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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I have an A400 it's a sweet light gun. It does cost a good bit more that the A300's

Nice. Yeah the A400s are kind of pricey. I don't really care about fancy guns, wood stock, etc. I just want something reasonably priced that I'll be able to use for clay targets. There's a skeet/trap club right up the road from me that I'm hoping to visit once a week. The A400 is the replacement for the 391 right? I shot the 390 and 391. The 391 was a beautiful gun but prefer the simplicity of the 390.
I hope to be ready for the Upstate NY GTG on 4/24, but Tax Season is still going strong.

He also has Boxer in him, etc (even a little Great Dane)

Speaking of tax season, I still have to file! Damn, almost forgot.

I really want to do a DNA test on my dog. Just read shelters routinely mislabel dogs as pitbulls. I'm kind of curious to see exactly what he is.


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Nice looking Dog. The test is about $60, and usually provides some surprises.

Linus is (in order) Boxer, Pit, Australian Shepard, Great Dane, and Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever! You really only clearly see the Boxer & Pit in him.

He is 60 lbs & VERY strong, but also very laid back. At the shelter, he tested well with people, dogs & cats. He is becoming a little more aggressive (Lucy is a bad influence). She is the "protector".
Nice looking Dog. The test is about $60, and usually provides some surprises.

Linus is (in order) Boxer, Pit, Australian Shepard, Great Dane, and Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever! You really only clearly see the Boxer & Pit in him.

He is 60 lbs & VERY strong, but also very laid back. At the shelter, he tested well with people, dogs & cats. He is becoming a little more aggressive (Lucy is a bad influence). She is the "protector".

He has a massive head. He's also about 90 lbs or so. I think he has to have some large breed DNA. Worst watch dog EVER. Anyone could just walk into my house, steal everything I own, then take him too lol. He's a bit aggressive with other dogs if they act aggressive towards him. Otherwise he ignores them or wants to play.

Say whaaaa?

Here's a few ideas.
-Open carry while in the woods
-Home defense
-Carry in car in a case

Okay, maybe open carry in the woods although not really sure I see the need for that personally unless we're talking about a Deliverance scenario. HD I prefer a shotgun I think or pistol caliber carbine. Much easier to hit/aim accurately. Isn't there a requirement to transport weapon and ammo separately? If so I'd rather bring along an AR.

Anyway, now that the weather's warming up and the water isn't as cold are you going to start using your bidet again?
Ok you asked for photos, so here's my Good Friday scrounge. Off i went to my usual collection spot, its a local tree service guy that clearly doesn't have a yard and doesn't process or sell the soft wood he gets and doesn't want to just dump it (commercial waste rates are about £100/ton so i can see why!) He advertises on gumtree (equivalent to craigs list) and just leaves it stacked, free to collect, outside his apartment. Its under 4 miles but in london traffic thats 20 mins drive.

back home, tail not dragging but it is well down.

and this is why

I unloaded then headed back for a second load. this is my haul from the 2 loads. its mainly pine/conifer, with just a few crotchy bits of somethng else. most is leylandii or leyland cypress. Over here it gets grown a lot by homeowners as a hedge...but all too often it isn't maintained and it soon tackes off into big trees, and urban tree service guys are constantly trimming or felling them. It should burn quite well but it needs to be well seasoned as its full of resin. Some of this load was dead/dieing standing though i think as it was quite dry already. I'm awful at estimating, but maybe 1/4 of a cord here

after lunch the saw cam out :chainsaw:...the really really big saw :laughing: and i got to bucking to sub 12" lengths for the stove

3 tanks of fuel later (that's a whole 3/4 of a litre in the big saw :dancing:) I'd bucked it all, and noodled some crotchety bits from before that had defeated the X27

and a pile of chips and noodles

made the most of the sunshine....normal UK Easter bank holiday weather returns tomorrow....Heavy wind and rain tomorow, then Storm Katy hits with even more on Monday, booo. My garden is a swamp anyway. This is the first year the Met Office has named our winter storms but my oh my, they've been in the news...making the news. We've had a mild winter, very very mild with hardly even a frost in London until February, but its been wet! Lots of floods elsewhere in the UK, some places got flooded 3 times this winter!

Right...hope those photos appear........
oh good it worked!
in the 4th photo you can see much of the garden (yard) behind the house. Top right you can just make out the last 10' of one of my 2 20" diameter oaks that i had felled. That one is a Turkey oak...non-native but not uncommon. Top left, above the daffodils, is the stump of the other, that WAS English Oak. Dunno what your oaks are like, but over here they are hard....very, very hard. Sledge and wedges for hours, hard!
Ok you asked for photos, so here's my Good Friday scrounge. Off i went to my usual collection spot, its a local tree service guy that clearly doesn't have a yard and doesn't process or sell the soft wood he gets and doesn't want to just dump it (commercial waste rates are about £100/ton so i can see why!) He advertises on gumtree (equivalent to craigs list) and just leaves it stacked, free to collect, outside his apartment. Its under 4 miles but in london traffic thats 20 mins drive.

back home, tail not dragging but it is well down.

and this is why

I unloaded then headed back for a second load. this is my haul from the 2 loads. its mainly pine/conifer, with just a few crotchy bits of somethng else. most is leylandii or leyland cypress. Over here it gets grown a lot by homeowners as a hedge...but all too often it isn't maintained and it soon tackes off into big trees, and urban tree service guys are constantly trimming or felling them. It should burn quite well but it needs to be well seasoned as its full of resin. Some of this load was dead/dieing standing though i think as it was quite dry already. I'm awful at estimating, but maybe 1/4 of a cord here

after lunch the saw cam out :chainsaw:...the really really big saw :laughing: and i got to bucking to sub 12" lengths for the stove

3 tanks of fuel later (that's a whole 3/4 of a litre in the big saw :dancing:) I'd bucked it all, and noodled some crotchety bits from before that had defeated the X27

and a pile of chips and noodles

made the most of the sunshine....normal UK Easter bank holiday weather returns tomorrow....Heavy wind and rain tomorow, then Storm Katy hits with even more on Monday, booo. My garden is a swamp anyway. This is the first year the Met Office has named our winter storms but my oh my, they've been in the news...making the news. We've had a mild winter, very very mild with hardly even a frost in London until February, but its been wet! Lots of floods elsewhere in the UK, some places got flooded 3 times this winter!

Right...hope those photos appear........
good scrounge there LondonNeil.:rock2: i like the wood hauler. can't tell from the pics how "really big" that saw is:laughing:.
That's your Skoda? It sure doesn't look anything like the Skodas I used to see in Guatemala 30 - 35 years ago. Let's see if I can remember... Skoda is Czech? Hmmm, I wonder which part of Czecheslovakia Skoda ended up in? Good scrounging anyway. Oaks here have quite a lot of varieties. Some split quite easily, most that I have dealt with anyway. Crotches and knots can be tougher.
Hep it Czech. they are part of VAG, VW Audi Group, along with Seat. You gys know the VW Golf right? in fact....didn't it get discussed on this thread.....hmmm...what hasn't been! The Octavia is the same mechanically as the golf, and the audi A3, and the Seat Leon. They all share the MQB chassis and mechanical bits. the vRS I have is the 2 litre petrol (gasoline) turbo, 220 bhp, same as the golf GTI, just bigger boot!
This game is called "I win!!". Dirty, nasty, chock full of silt, cottonwood. I had to dig the silt out with my hatchet and hands, thumped it several times with the #6 maul. Sharpened twice per cut, some of them required sharpening three times. 3.5 hours of hell. I win.



I was going to split it tonight but ran out of daylight and ass.
Ok you asked for photos, so here's my Good Friday scrounge. Off i went to my usual collection spot, its a local tree service guy that clearly doesn't have a yard and doesn't process or sell the soft wood he gets and doesn't want to just dump it (commercial waste rates are about £100/ton so i can see why!) He advertises on gumtree (equivalent to craigs list) and just leaves it stacked, free to collect, outside his apartment. Its under 4 miles but in london traffic thats 20 mins drive.

back home, tail not dragging but it is well down.

and this is why

I unloaded then headed back for a second load. this is my haul from the 2 loads. its mainly pine/conifer, with just a few crotchy bits of somethng else. most is leylandii or leyland cypress. Over here it gets grown a lot by homeowners as a hedge...but all too often it isn't maintained and it soon tackes off into big trees, and urban tree service guys are constantly trimming or felling them. It should burn quite well but it needs to be well seasoned as its full of resin. Some of this load was dead/dieing standing though i think as it was quite dry already. I'm awful at estimating, but maybe 1/4 of a cord here

after lunch the saw cam out :chainsaw:...the really really big saw :laughing: and i got to bucking to sub 12" lengths for the stove

3 tanks of fuel later (that's a whole 3/4 of a litre in the big saw :dancing:) I'd bucked it all, and noodled some crotchety bits from before that had defeated the X27

and a pile of chips and noodles

made the most of the sunshine....normal UK Easter bank holiday weather returns tomorrow....Heavy wind and rain tomorow, then Storm Katy hits with even more on Monday, booo. My garden is a swamp anyway. This is the first year the Met Office has named our winter storms but my oh my, they've been in the news...making the news. We've had a mild winter, very very mild with hardly even a frost in London until February, but its been wet! Lots of floods elsewhere in the UK, some places got flooded 3 times this winter!

Right...hope those photos appear........
Amazing bringing that stuff home in the car.
I did something similar, brought home 22" rounds, all the wood in my avatar in 1 load!
Neil, great pics and a great education, I have never heard of a Skoda, very cool!!! (And a great firewood hauler).

When I first started heating with wood, I used to bring it home in the back of my 1980 Pinto Station Wagon. Back then, Pick Up trucks were not allowed on NYS parkways, so I had access to wood that no one else would take. I remember once loading 2 big heavy rounds of Oak in the back (had to flop them in, could not lift them) and it was so heavy I thought the front of the car would come off the ground!

That is how I heated my house when the price of heating oil tripled from 50 some odd cents to over $1.50 per gallon in just one month, back when there were gas lines, and odd/even fill up days, and stations would run out of gas before you reached the pump!

I built a 55 gallon drum wood stove and got a chainsaw out of necessity. (A Homelite Super II). My first Father In Law was a tree surgeon and taught me how to fell trees, but I have learned a lot more since joining this site.
Ok you asked for photos, so here's my Good Friday scrounge. Off i went to my usual collection spot, its a local tree service guy that clearly doesn't have a yard and doesn't process or sell the soft wood he gets and doesn't want to just dump it (commercial waste rates are about £100/ton so i can see why!) He advertises on gumtree (equivalent to craigs list) and just leaves it stacked, free to collect, outside his apartment. Its under 4 miles but in london traffic thats 20 mins drive.

back home, tail not dragging but it is well down.

and this is why

I unloaded then headed back for a second load. this is my haul from the 2 loads. its mainly pine/conifer, with just a few crotchy bits of somethng else. most is leylandii or leyland cypress. Over here it gets grown a lot by homeowners as a hedge...but all too often it isn't maintained and it soon tackes off into big trees, and urban tree service guys are constantly trimming or felling them. It should burn quite well but it needs to be well seasoned as its full of resin. Some of this load was dead/dieing standing though i think as it was quite dry already. I'm awful at estimating, but maybe 1/4 of a cord here

after lunch the saw cam out :chainsaw:...the really really big saw :laughing: and i got to bucking to sub 12" lengths for the stove

3 tanks of fuel later (that's a whole 3/4 of a litre in the big saw :dancing:) I'd bucked it all, and noodled some crotchety bits from before that had defeated the X27

and a pile of chips and noodles

made the most of the sunshine....normal UK Easter bank holiday weather returns tomorrow....Heavy wind and rain tomorow, then Storm Katy hits with even more on Monday, booo. My garden is a swamp anyway. This is the first year the Met Office has named our winter storms but my oh my, they've been in the news...making the news. We've had a mild winter, very very mild with hardly even a frost in London until February, but its been wet! Lots of floods elsewhere in the UK, some places got flooded 3 times this winter!

Right...hope those photos appear........
This guy makes out like he's a small time scrounged. Doesn't look small time to me. Nice work!
View attachment 494414 Cleared up and turned into a pretty afternoon with sun lighting up all the ice. Still no power here since 6 last night. Got some water from work to drink, wash and flush toilets, dug my perk pot out of the camper for coffee and sticking close to the wood stove.
Stay warm and safe, I hope they get your power back on soon!