Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Got a little split tonight. Most of this weekend's scrounge I brought home.
Been working on a two stroke of another type here as I get ready for the trout opener the end of the month. Cleaned carb, new fuel filter, everything **** and span. Was still coughing and sneezing. Until I found the recirc line (kinda like impulse line) was hard. Turned out it was leaking air causing a lean condition. New line and the ole evinrude purrs like a kitten. Just looking at the saws, ground is just too saturated here to go scrounging yet.
Been working on a two stroke of another type here as I get ready for the trout opener the end of the month. Cleaned carb, new fuel filter, everything **** and span. Was still coughing and sneezing. Until I found the recirc line (kinda like impulse line) was hard. Turned out it was leaking air causing a lean condition. New line and the ole evinrude purrs like a kitten. Just looking at the saws, ground is just too saturated here to go scrounging yet.
This afternoon I started hauling from a tree job that @chucker did for my neighbor. Literally 250 yards from their house to my splitting area.

4 heaping pickup loads. About 2/3 hardwood and 1/3 aspen.

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Did I mention there is probably 3 more pickup loads to haul out of there? What a score!
hope it keeps you busy so you don't get to many trips to the red birch tavern!! woodnt want to see you sitting behind the wooden jail cell for tiping to heavy on the sud'ssssss.... lol
If you need some help getting the boat out of the way.......I'll bring the rest of the lumber you need! Haha
I'm typing this sitting at my fire pit that is only 20 feet from some of the finest Muskie fishing water in the world. If you come help me split wood I'll tell you where the big girls hide ;)