today's scrounge:
today's scrounge was hardly a scrounge of noteworthy proportions by most stadards... but, in any event... an awesome scrounge to say the least, imo... some very nice camp fire oak... and even starters, too!... where?... out down the valley road to the forest dept clearing section? no... up topside scrounge mountain, 90 miles drive trailer, saws and vans... crew? no... out in the forest other side of the lake? no... where you say? why right next door, actually across the street!
imo, homerun stuff... 20 mins later after finding this scrounge and the limbs lying in neighbor's front yard (removed with persmission) cost to scrounge: $0.00! fuels used: $0.00. gasoline to scrounge area: $0.00. time to service and resharpen saws: 0.00! all in all... my kinda scrounge! so u can see it in my 10 cu ft dual wheel wheelbarrow. I consider it a pretty good 'gimmie'... since it will get 5-6 camp fires going for me... and then some oak stix splits, chunks after that for some nice warm heat... on these very warm 90F days... lol
today's scrounge, some nice 'seasoned' oak...
View attachment 507359
here's hoping all your scrounge's are good ones, too. ! ~
Man is that beautiful Nate, just don't want to get to close to the edgeWell no firewood this weekend, daughter is getting married. Did scrounge up a picture while showing my brother around. View attachment 507492 Carry on with the pickup scrounge gentleman... and wood.
Ya I have heard literally all good about the trucks... And I see them around here with 200,000 miles and they still say they run good..... This truck has 3" dual exghuast, long tube headers, and a mild cam.... Can any of you guys tell me if these modifications are good or bad....
Well no firewood this weekend, daughter is getting married. Did scrounge up a picture while showing my brother around. View attachment 507492 Carry on with the pickup scrounge gentleman... and wood.
Looks like the proper amount to get the big fire started to cook some ( stuffed peppers ) Lol Keep scrounging.
generally, these mods are good. I don't like the term mild cam. I like better an RV type cam, as they are more suited for bottom end torque and mpg. long tube headers and a 3" dual exhaust don't excite me too much. too easy to loose bottom end cylinder filling...scavenging too much too early. I would like short tube headers, or better yet none. and a Gibson exhaust for the truck and model, usually a single exhaust but piped for torque and mpg... I would rather see a K&N filter and some MSD ignition stuff... but, given power needs and wants are more mid range desired, then as configured sounds ok. cam would depend on mgfr, cam part # and .050 specs... in my times, I prob have built, modded mail-order, sold parts, sold parts packages and performance kits and upgrades for over or close to 10,000 trucks... maybe more, prob a lot more...yep!!! 'believe it!' ~
generally, these mods are good. I don't like the term mild cam. I like better an RV type cam, as they are more suited for bottom end torque and mpg. long tube headers and a 3" dual exhaust don't excite me too much. too easy to loose bottom end cylinder filling...scavenging too much too early. I would like short tube headers, or better yet none. and a Gibson exhaust for the truck and model, usually a single exhaust but piped for torque and mpg... I would rather see a K&N filter and some MSD ignition stuff... but, given power needs and wants are more mid range desired, then as configured sounds ok. cam would depend on mgfr, cam part # and .050 specs... in my times, I prob have built, modded mail-order, sold parts, sold parts packages and performance kits and upgrades for over or close to 10,000 trucks... maybe more, prob a lot more...yep!!! 'believe it!' ~
Kyle...Yep, much less radical lobes on the cam for intake and exhaust duration. In other words, it won't rattle your teeth out sitting at a stop, like you're in a Kenny Bernstein funny car or dragster.Mild to wild. Or the older guys used quarters. Full race, 3/4 cam etc.
Mild would be similar to stock with maybe a little extra lift and duration to help the engine breathe.
Hey thanks a lot for your input....sounds like you have worked on a lot of vehicles.... Ya I have GOT to find a good truck, but I don't want to just jump on one and have to be fixing it imeadiatly..... Yes I know all trucks need maintenance, but I want to get the best used truck I can.... I like these Chevy 2500 everyone says they are a good work truck that will last, plus I do like the looks of them.... It is just so hard for me to believe how many miles people put on their vehicles any more.... Of course I am only 10-14 miles to my work and back home.... I just hope something really nice and lower miles pops up soon for me.... I have been keeping my eye out for atleast a year now!!!!![]()
Oh and I meant to ask you.... What do they mean or what do you think they mean by mild cam..... I know it's hard to tell without seeing it in person, but I was just wondering what they meant by the "mild cam".... Thanks for your input Kyle!!!!!
Oh and I meant to ask you.... What do they mean or what do you think they mean by mild cam..... I know it's hard to tell without seeing it in person, but I was just wondering what they meant by the "mild cam".... Thanks for your input Kyle!!!!!
also - mild comes in many colors... but given long tube headers, and dual exhaust, 3"... would suggest to me... they were seeking mid range and up power... and this would tell me, it had been hot roded! ie, heavy foot. I would want to drive it... and if it started pulling at about 2800 rpms and on up to 5200 +/-... u can be sure that is just what they did, and often... for its ez to add headers and exhaust, but its quite another level project to install a camshaft. and for that level of useage... as u have stated the parts prob are a good selection. however, anyone that knowledgeable... seeking bottom end truck torque and mpg... would have gone RV. and then stated, it has an RV cam... but they don't need long tube headers etc, nor work ideally with them.
bottom line is to know the cam. seek the cam card. read it. and/or call the mfgr/grinder... the 'sales guys' at all cam companies are very helpful...
he** of a 'scrounge'! awesome view... I can just see an early morning hike over to the L and across to that open, staying down and camo hidden... and about dusk or just before... waiting for the elk or deer... to come up out of the lower valley area...![]()
Khntr I would have to agree that any modified vehicle is not my favorite. Any modification will result in less mileage, less longevity, more maintenance, and more cost to rebuild or restore. I go out of my way to find something that has not been touched even if it has a dent or two. One of my trucks with high mileage had a head job that I did not do, but it has been pretty darn good. Thanks
maybe, but I would have to do them in a cast iron dutch oven... but imo, cant beat an elec or gas oven for convenience...
btw amberg - where you able to get those stuff peppers made up I sent u the 'quick start' on?...