Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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he** with the cut! what I should have said was: nice board! lol... sorry, ok then...

nice board!

only guy I know who can... well, could... cut like that freehand, and he din't need a power saw was d-ick proenneke up at Twin Lakes, AK... now he could make a board!
No worry, was just thinking about Philbert asking if it was free hand.
Yes sir! Alone in the wilderness, Mr Proenneke was an amazing man for sure! Great movie, he lived a great life.
No worry, was just thinking about Philbert asking if it was free hand.
Yes sir! Alone in the wilderness, Mr Proenneke was an amazing man for sure! Great movie, he lived a great life.

I have all 3 of them. I don't usually like to watch a dvd over. don't do reruns! lol... but I bet I have watched them all hundreds of times... never get bored, always seems like first time... each time. what a story! way out there in the Great Beyond. good books, too... really liked seeing the cub his brother fly up from CA and them on float plane trips together. hated to hear it went down later...
I have all 3 of them. I don't usually like to watch a dvd over. don't do reruns! lol... but I bet I have watched them all hundreds of times... never get bored, always seems like first time... each time. what a story! way out there in the Great Beyond. good books, too... really liked seeing the cub his brother fly up from CA and them on float plane trips together. hated to hear it went down later...
Yup me too! We have watched them many times, yes the books even better. Flew into port allsworth-lake Clark (not too far from twin lakes) one time when we lived up there sure is nice country.
Yup me too! We have watched them many times, yes the books even better. Flew into port allsworth-lake Clark (not too far from twin lakes) one time when we lived up there sure is nice country.

I think he would have liked being on the AS! what did he call a chain saw?...
Thanks Mike, I bought it this way from another member so not sure about timing advance but it has angle fin ks cyl. base gasket delete, dual port muffler (no screens) new rings, runs really well, very strong. I used to have a 12mm 044 that was ported and I'm sure this one would keep up with it.
So, I had a good scrounge yesterday. After weeks of being told either "No" or "someone is just picking them up now", the place I called finally said, "yeah, I think with have 3 or 4 pallets available". Since the trailer was already hooked up, I went there w/o hesitation, even though it seemed hardly worth the trip.

Turns out there were over 12 pallets available, definitely worth the trip :=).

Now, for the new (and true) joke of the day:

A few minutes ago the wife and I are getting ready to walk the dogs, just an after dinner thing. So the wife says "don't worry, I have the duty bags". So I responded, "I really don't have to go, but thanks for sharing".
Went down to inspect the creek barricade, it is low now so time for repairs. right there near it, found a new massive widow maker. We had a big windstorm and just a touch of rain last week. It's a black walnut branch really stuckola in a sweetberry. Plan A yanking it out didn't work, it is hung up to bad, even with trimming and chaining it up to the tractor. I'll have to try plan B and lash it up high, apply comealong, fell the sweetberry (at a 90). Now, if I had climbing gear I could probably get it down without felling the other tree, but it's just too big and right where the cows hang in the shade in the heat. So I don't want to leave it just hanging there. I did bring back one piece, did all the trimming before trying to pull it with the oregon battery saw. Bonus pic you can just see it, a white egret, second bonus pic, scrounged up some plastic pallets and some thin wood for shims on my recently reactivated shed project.


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Hey Zog!

How high up is that break?


Proly around 20-25 feet. The branch looks to be about a foot thick where it is stuck. Gonna have to haul a big extension ladder down to rope it up, it needs to fall 90 degrees down a little tractor corridor I made a long time ago, and I want the branch to fold with the fall. So I will lash it up there, and put some really good tension on it with the comealong before the backcut..
If it is reachable by a pole saw (not from a ladder) . . . . could you cut it off a few inches past the crotch of the holding tree, then pull it off with the tractor?


No, way too high for a pole saw. If you could get above it in a climbing rig you could tie on and reach down and cut the branch that holds it, leaving the broken branch to slide down the far side of the tree, but..I don't own that gear.

20 years ago, being who I am with limited branez and lotsa built in adventuresome spirit, I woulda just shimmied up the branch and cut it!

Just this last week felling good enough to do much work anyway..been sick since before the beginning of summer.

Luckily I have AS and have learned a lot more ways to do things safely and correctly, ha!
No, way too high for a pole saw. If you could get above it in a climbing rig you could tie on and reach down and cut the branch that holds it, leaving the broken branch to slide down the far side of the tree, but..I don't own that gear.

20 years ago, being who I am with limited branez and lotsa built in adventuresome spirit, I woulda just shimmied up the branch and cut it!

Just this last week felling good enough to do much work anyway..been sick since before the beginning of summer.

Luckily I have AS and have learned a lot more ways to do things safely and correctly, ha!

but an alive WUSS! :D

does it get any better than this? I mean short of a free dumptruck load of split stix... and a crew to stack it for you?? lol

does it get any better than this?:

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does it get any better than this? big oak limb down and that grass in pix # 1, lower edge... is my front yard. and whatz that? 15' or so? lol... lots of good oak in there, some chunks and limbs under brush in lower pix... guess I got my marching orders... to me, it don't get no better. cause ain't gunna ever be no dumptruck drop by full of free split oak firewood... lol


nope, about as good as its gunna get inside the city! I call it a: gimme! :D


postscript: would you scrounge this pile of oak if it was 15' from your 'front door'? lol
Heck, I'd still scrounge it if it was 15' from someone else's front door! Haha


well, given the heat, not all that bad. the good news is all it took was a wheelbarrow to get all the good stuff. dint have to cut nuttn'... all at my front door now... :D