Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Can you train my computer??? Can't tell you how many times I searched for that using different wording w/o finding it!

Gave the little 029/390 a workout yesterday, runs good, but nothing to write home about. Fast on small to medium size wood, but craps out easily on the larger stuff. I guess it is good as a homeowner/backup saw. It was an interesting project, cheap, and a learning experience. I'm likely too spoiled by my other saws to appreciate this thing.

Then I spent 2.5 hours milling some Shag Bark Hickory, made 7 boards all over 6' long and over 6" wide (all a full 2" thick). Also downloaded an app for the computer to re size my pics, so I can share!!! Milling was done with my Smittybilt ported 046.
Nice pics. That Hickory sure is nice lookin lumber. I should try the set-up like you there. I haven't tried milling because I don't want to spend a bunch on a CSM. I have some nice hardwoods here to do it with too.
What did you do to make you guide?
Can you train my computer??? Can't tell you how many times I searched for that using different wording w/o finding it!

Gave the little 029/390 a workout yesterday, runs good, but nothing to write home about. Fast on small to medium size wood, but craps out easily on the larger stuff. I guess it is good as a homeowner/backup saw. It was an interesting project, cheap, and a learning experience. I'm likely too spoiled by my other saws to appreciate this thing.

Then I spent 2.5 hours milling some Shag Bark Hickory, made 7 boards all over 6' long and over 6" wide (all a full 2" thick). Also downloaded an app for the computer to re size my pics, so I can share!!! Milling was done with my Smittybilt ported 046.

some good looking lumber thee MM! what do u plan to do with it?...
This is what happens the word firewood to a co-worker. 2 5x8 trailer loads of pine and 2 loads mixed Oak and I think popular with 3 more waiting in his backyard.



Sent from this thing that doesn't ever seem to work right.
This is what happens the word firewood to a co-worker. 2 5x8 trailer loads of pine and 2 loads mixed Oak and I think popular with 3 more waiting in his backyard.

View attachment 516712

View attachment 516713

Sent from this thing that doesn't ever seem to work right.
Welcome to AS DX250.
It looks like your going to need to put some more fill in behind the pole building if you keep getting that much wood:).
Do you burn a lot down that way.
I have a few friends on the N and NE side of Atlanta as well as a BIL on the NE side.
Where abouts are you down there.
I am on the north east side of Atlanta. This is the first year burning for me. I figure I will burn about 2 maybe 3 cords myself and that is just because I have a 110 year old 1800 sqft house with no insulation in the walls. I am shooting for 6 cord total as I am going to be keeping an elderly neighbor and friend in firewood this winter. I forgot that all the wood from my coworker was cut to length ( too long for my stove) and stacked for the last 5 months.

Sent from this thing that doesn't ever seem to work right.
This is what happens the word firewood to a co-worker. 2 5x8 trailer loads of pine and 2 loads mixed Oak and I think popular with 3 more waiting in his backyard.

View attachment 516712

View attachment 516713

Sent from this thing that doesn't ever seem to work right.

nice stack of firewood. on a cold winter's night... and needing more stix for fireplace... that would be a pleasant site to see... of course, i'd have some closer to back door! lol
Did you mod the muffler on the 029/390 because they are very choked up. If you did I would check the compression and give it a good amount of break in time on some conventional 2 stroke oil not synthetic. The lubricating properties of synthetic oil slow the actual break in process substantially.
I also find these saws hard to get a good tune on so they will perform well, did you tach tune it, or ear and performance.

I think one of the next phases of learning for me will be how to sharpen well and I have been considering a square grinder. I know I can get some business both local and shipped to me if I get one. You know what a good square grind can do with so much more cutter working for you :yes:

I did a muff mod and timing advance. Cuts very fast in the small & medium stuff, but the AM cylinders are known for modest compression, which likely hurts the torque (it may improve a little with more break in, but I'm not going to be unrealistic).

I do square by hand, with a six sided file (don't use the triangular ones, they hit the straps on the opposite side too much). File from the outside in, and try to maintain 45 degrees back and 45 degrees down for hardwood.

I found this to be very helpful:
First, I think I will make some work benches with a vice on them, for me and a few relatives. Then maybe some shelves, unless other requests come in.

good idea! those thick tops would make nice work benches... :yes: I hope u will post some pix of them done and in-progress... will u seal the wood? or let it air dry?...
First, I think I will make some work benches with a vice on them, for me and a few relatives. Then maybe some shelves, unless other requests come in.
Those be some hefty shelves at 2" thick. I got some 2"x10"x8' long Yellow West Coast Pine from a friend that I still need to mold into shelves for my old crucibles from the foundry and some other old pottery to display. I made some heavy steel brackets in the welding shop for them from 1/4"x2" thick steel plate material.
Nothing better than real solid wood for table tops, bench tops and shelves. I'd like to build some Maple wall cabinets for all my fishing reels too , some day.
One of my carpenter buddies called wanting to know if I wanted some wood scraps for firewood , he even delivered it :)


Scrounge where you can :)
Did a little more milling this morning, I believe this is Pig Nut Hickory. Made 4 - 2" boards 7' X 13-14". Looks like I will get another piece out of that log, and the short portion of the log (in the back of pic #3) I plan to make into 4" X 4" legs.


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One of my carpenter buddies called wanting to know if I wanted some wood scraps for firewood , he even delivered it :)


Scrounge where you can :)
I like his scrap wood. I need me some of those friends.
You can even build a firewood shed with that stuff, or whatever.
Did a little more milling this morning, I believe this is Pig Nut Hickory. Made 4 - 2" boards 7' X 13-14". Looks like I will get another piece out of that log, and the short portion of the log (in the back of pic #3) I plan to make into 4" X 4" legs.
Nice work Mike.
I need to "get my milling on"