>Dude...wtf...23 posts in a row? Too much beer or too much coffee? Lol.
>BL, SVK makes a good point. Not everyone has high speed DSL. When you load up on posts and pics, it really slows down the process and makes the site less enjoyable. It also results in people just blowing through your posts, without reading them. We all like posts & pics but in moderation.
23 posts?

... are you kidding me? I mean... hey man, wtf! are you guys the Posting Nazi Monitors?... sorry, but I just had to say that... to you both... here's why:
first off, what is 23 posts?

how many posts per day happen here on the AS? 23! ?? the current 'membership' is 72,213 subscriber names here on the AS. what if we had an ideal world here and all were active and liked to scrounge for firewood? huh, would svk's messages have read?: "man, wtf... 72,213 posts in a row?" and srb, what would you say... write all that posted... "hey you guys... we cannot have all you members posting here! we have a couple of dial ups... and they cannot handle 72,213 posts... oh no, if they get a disconnect and have to start over. and too many slow, smart fones!! listen... 72, 200 of you have to stop posting to this thread! u see, some of the guys... no, I don't know who!.... don't use hi-speed DSL... so if u bog them down, you cannot post here!"
ok, 72,213 we know is not practical. is 50,000? as a potential? no? ok, how about 25,000? no? oh! ok. lets scale it way down then... 5,000. how about 5,000 posts? is that better? how about 5,000 posts nightly here on the scrounging thread? oh, no?... ok... how about um... um...

1,000? would 1,000 posts per night here on scrounging thread be ok? huh?.... oh, still way too much huh? ok then lets go from 72, 213 to 100! is 100 posts here nightly ok?... one person posts 100 times. or 100 post 1 time? is 100 then ok?... come on now, if 72,213 potential posts are too many, surely 100 is just fine, huh? afterall, over at GM ci... they see that almost hourly... at times.
100 AS posts to the scrouging thread is then.. ok. huh?...
but 23 is not!

[moving on...]
When you load up on posts and pics, it really slows down the process and makes the site less enjoyable. It also results in people just blowing through your posts, without reading them.

...makes the site less enjoyable? are you kidding me? less enjoyable? there are thousands of threads here on the AS... how does a couple of post from one poster... make the site less enjoyable? as u make your comment, the 'you understood' portion of it implies the entire site...

, are you serious?...
I had not posted here on this thread since 8/12. actually, i don't post that often...here. even though i do enjoy the theme of this thread and the many scrounge stories, pix. etc. i dint count them, but i will go with the 23 posts as a number... but srb - u say:
It also results in people just blowing through your posts, without reading them. but the 23 posts received 38
Likes. don't seem to me too many went unread.
i don't know why svk is bellyaching about my 23 posts... when he posts up 4 pix about traveling that i am still... trying to find how it fits in and is not a highjack!

even though being in Texas and close to the I10 i enjoyed his brief foto essay. and i will never complain about too many LEX posts and pix. and others are free to post unrelated to scrounging things... off topic... off topic themes...
one poster of late posts 6 pix large resolution... and that is ok. that redraw time don't slow no one down, but my 23 posts, some mere text... all but causes the AS to crash?!!!

are you trying to be comedians... or just want to pull my leg?

other posters post 4 large resolution pix and another 5! how long do these take for those AS subscribers not on DSL? dial up or on wifi???
how long is the redraw on a text only message?... HTML given over to enriched text mode? you don't know? well, i'll tell you... as a rule, generally speaking... u can measure it in nano seconds!! yep!
so, you guys... ok... not you guys, but 2 of you guys... want to complain about ol BL's 23 posts... most of them in simple text fonts... cause in his enthusiasm to share with you his scrounge adventures... he has upset the apple cart... hey BL wtf, 23 posts! and numerous large size jpgs, high resolution... multiple attachments... don't "
load up on posts and pics, it really slows down the process and makes the site less enjoyable" and few here if any... ever crop correctly in doing a Reply such that it redraws quicker... but BL's 23 do! ???

are you [deleted] me? correct reply croping in text replies such as are done here speeds up the download processing speeds. bits sent faster. subject to fone etc redraw limitations.
i seriously doubt if any of those main posters here... are on slow processing connections. certainly not the guys who are posting all those multiple attachment posts... with high resolution pix!
going back to 8/1/2016:
svk - i see 3 posts with pix by u. 2 i would say are on topic... chains... takes chains to scrounge and cut... and one of a felled tree getting bucked. semi scrounge to me. and one of split stix, that is actually in the wrong thread...
srb - i see no posts from you back to 8/1/2016... and no scrounge pix. but you don't like my contributions here! too many...
i guess one option is to limit pix to not be presented and posted at Full Size. keep compressed like MM did. and others have. then the pix can come in smaller. faster downloads, less bandwidth! and easily enough made larger for those interested in seeing more detail. crop better for Replies. i guess another option is to just
Report me! "BL posted too many pix and mssges last night! no off topic pix, not too many multiple attmts, sticks to thread's theme, etc. Please review!"
my 23 posts had 15 pix. how are my 23 individual posts, 1/3 or so text only... slowing anybody down, etc... here on this thread... when the GM ci thread has
hundreds per day... and no doubt many use the same connectivity levels there as here... but nobody complains seriously too many messages or too many pix!
so why here? and why are standards over in other threads here on the AS... not acceptable here in the scrounging thread?
imo, you both have spoken out of turn! unfairly, i mite add. i can read your comments, but i see where i have done no wrong!
i say to you two:
'let he who is without sin, cast the first stone!'
Thank you!
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postscript: to those of you posting pix of family... please note. all and any are OK by me. i am 100% for such contributions... deemed to be ok, as you see fit. as such, my discussion here does not address any of those posts, messages and/or pix. like them all!