Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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I'm likely going to the sale in Purple Grove on Saturday. Interested in the cultivator, can usually buy them big ones for scrap price and there is a pile of good steel in them. I'll throw a chain and bar in the truck and if you are around you can get it. I also read where you are building a splitter, you might wanna drop over and take a look at mine. I built my own tank, never bothered with baffles though and it doesn't seem to get real hot. I have 2 Thanks giving deals this weekend but throw me a text sometime and we'll set something up. 519-357-8066
Wanna sell a bar and chain? haha

from what i read on specs your 440 should match up with my 034
Here are the pictures from walking the dog this afternoon. I will be buying the hardhat, visor, muffs combo for this job.

First one.

Sugar Maple broke in half and top down.


The other half


Another Sugar Maple in that immediate area. It's the one on the left. I'll probably take the popple to that's directly over it to a certain point. I'm liking the fact that the new stove will give me a little more leeway with wood.


Onto what I think is an Elm.

The broke off base.


The rest of the downed portion.

The bark and part of the wood at downed end.



The dried up leaves. If anything can be identified from these,.

Onto the popple mess.





Now up to the other mess 30 yards above me.

This is a panoramic view of it. Hopefully it works.

The Sugar Maple on the left side of the picture on the hill intertwined with a popple.

Coming from upside of trail.



So as we are walking though this mess to back home the dog tried to Evel Knievel two branches spaced way apart and wound up going ass end over tea kettles. I hollered at him him to be careful and pick his spots then proceeded to get stabbed in my junk by a random branch.

Sometimes Karma works waaaaaay to quick.

Sugar maple on trail right next to shop.


I have my work cut out for me.

Good no new stove prep this weekend as neighbors are out of town. I have an hour of splitting at the woodpiles to finish then I will A-tack all of this.
On a side note I developed a " seasonal allergic reaction asthma" 3 years ago that I found by playing in the log yard.

On the logs that came in with a lot of dirt and junk on them the mold that's there messes me up.

well Saturday I was in the log yard cutting in our old hard wood pile. The first bit on the outside logs went fine. Cut split wagonned no problem. Grabbed the Pickaroon and pulled down the next section and I got a faceful of damp, musty, moldy smell.

With 5 minutes my lungs tightened like a fist. Rats. Here's to a next 3 long months until snow flies and it gets cold.

Went up to the house and dug out my advair pixie dust inhaler.

Walked back up to the log yard and kept working. Albeit slower paced.

Neighbor came home from work and walked down to talk. I shut the saw off and he saw how labored my breathing was. He said.." No no no.......seriously? Again?"


He looked at me and said "I'll get the grapple hooked up and we'll bang a bunch out cutting at the woodpile. that way you can split it up there when you have the chance and you're not in this ****. Go hit your pixie dust again and we'll get after it"

We worked 3hrs straight and I wound up with a huge pile of wood, 2 worn out saws, and a pooped me. "

After the last run my hands were on my knees and I waved no more. He said "I was waiting for you to quit over an hour ago."

His turn around times are under 5 minutes from leaving me to log yard and back. In that time I throw as much wood out of the way as I Can into a pile so I have a clear cutting area.

Fast forward to today.

Went to the Dr for this morning. Took the Advair this morning when I got up. Went to my appointment and while waiting for my prescriptions my breathing got bad. Pulled out the Albuterol puffer that I fricking hate and hit that.

Got my stuff and came home. Took my first dose of prednisone, hit the pixie dust again, and out to the splitting pile I went.

I was an utter MACHINE, El Machina have you, for 2.5 hrs. It was awesome!!!!!!! 2 inhalers onboard and prednisone...Ralphie May "Whaaaaaaaaaaat". I was jacked.

The neighbor came home and went "Jesus."

He had brought up a bunch of dead standing red oak too that I just annihilated.

Good day in the wood pile.
Nice pics!
(Lots of work!) Hope you have someone helping you.


I do.

He's in almost every picture. He's a good foreman when there are no squirrels/chipmunks nearby.

I showed the neighbor the picture of that popple nightmare and he said we should do that one together and he'll bring the skidsteer and grapple down. Aside from that it just plugging away.
Here are the pictures from walking the dog this afternoon. I will be buying the hardhat, visor, muffs combo for this job.

First one.

Sugar Maple broke in half and top down.


The other half


Another Sugar Maple in that immediate area. It's the one on the left. I'll probably take the popple to that's directly over it to a certain point. I'm liking the fact that the new stove will give me a little more leeway with wood.


Onto what I think is an Elm.

The broke off base.


The rest of the downed portion.

The bark and part of the wood at downed end.



The dried up leaves. If anything can be identified from these,.

Onto the popple mess.





Now up to the other mess 30 yards above me.

This is a panoramic view of it. Hopefully it works.

The Sugar Maple on the left side of the picture on the hill intertwined with a popple.

Coming from upside of trail.



So as we are walking though this mess to back home the dog tried to Evel Knievel two branches spaced way apart and wound up going ass end over tea kettles. I hollered at him him to be careful and pick his spots then proceeded to get stabbed in my junk by a random branch.

Sometimes Karma works waaaaaay to quick.

Sugar maple on trail right next to shop.


I have my work cut out for me.

Good no new stove prep this weekend as neighbors are out of town. I have an hour of splitting at the woodpiles to finish then I will A-tack all of this.
That last picture with the entire forest floor carpeted with maple seedlings is awesome.
The entire woods floor is maple seedlings.

The neighbor took this the other night.

No mushrooms that I am aware of.

I am usually too preoccupied with checking up in the trees for critters or what the newest blow down is.
Neighbor asked me if I want an oak tree at his sister's house ten minutes away from our houses. At this point I am about a wheelbarrow load away from being completely full of wood for my fire pit stacks.

Me: Not really but I'm not about to turn down oak.

The answer is always yes. I have more wood now that I have places to stack it and I am not actively looking for wood. But I also wouldn't turn it down is someone asked if I needed an oak.
I will be buying the hardhat, visor, muffs combo for this job.

You wont regret the purchase. I have one the muffs dont really work well for me so I still wear ear plugs. But the hard had and visor is where it is at. The visor is great it keeps branches and flying bark and wood chips our of your face. Nice thing is it can do double duty as I use mine to run the string trimmer since is stops 99% of the flying debris. Still wear safety glasses even with the visor. I love the hard hat visor combo. I usually wont cut without it.
You wont regret the purchase. I have one the muffs dont really work well for me so I still wear ear plugs. But the hard had and visor is where it is at. The visor is great it keeps branches and flying bark and wood chips our of your face. Nice thing is it can do double duty as I use mine to run the string trimmer since is stops 99% of the flying debris. Still wear safety glasses even with the visor. I love the hard hat visor combo. I usually wont cut without it.


I never thought about the double duty for weed whacking.