Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Got the same stuff works pretty good. I am using ace hardware branded bar oil now and it works well enough.
NA, 7 relatives of the guy in you avatar under the apple tree 25 yards from the house when i came out this morning. all 7 had head gear.:yes: you might need to get a 5-B tag.:rolleyes:
Haven't been on here in a bit and I realized it's about 2months since I posted on this site, so I figure I ought to see what's up with my fellow scroungers! :) I normally detach a little this time of year as the store is at insanity level up until the 4th of July at which point we downshift into slightly crazy for the remainder of the summer. Don't have time to hang here and apologies to anyone who's PM's don't get replies for a while.

Reading back a few pages it's good to see that you guys are all doing well and staying on top of next years wood supply. Scroungers never sleep, right? Glad everyone had a good father's day. Certainly enjoyed the good fortune to spend another one with my Dad, who's 86. Still in great shape and he was in a project mood so we fired up the splitter and did a quick face cord.

And JB is right about staying away from outboard 2 stroke oil!!!!! That stuff might be OK in a 3500 RPM boat motor, but not in a 13,500 RPM chainsaw. That's a quick way to end up with a boat ANCHOR. LOL
NA, 7 relatives of the guy in you avatar under the apple tree 25 yards from the house when i came out this morning. all 7 had head gear.:yes: you might need to get a 5-B tag.:rolleyes:

7 with headgear is outstanding. I always get a 5B tag since I live in that WMU. You tell me when, where and what the home field rules are and I will be there :yes:.
If you guys are like me (and I bet some of you are!), I scrounge more than just wood.

Last night I was coming home from work and I passed a pile of "JUNK/Treasure" waiting to be picked up by the city. Sooooooooo.........I just had to stop and take a look. I got: Poulan parts saw, small Briggs Generator (1300W), floor jack, 3 boxes of unopened Nitril gloves, 5 gallon outboard gas tank (Plastic), small spool of 10g wire, big coil spring, Battery/Jumper pack (that works), 5 (new) cans of grey spray paint, 2 qts 30wt oil, can of brake fluid, and two box wrenches (13mm and 15mm).
Today, I am going to scrounge that wood down the road from my office. :muscle:

What model is the Poulan?

The TS CountyLine bar oil works just fine for me, but I don't get my 2 cycle oil there. ($7 / gal last time I got it).

I bought 4 gallons when it was on sale for $7. It doesn't seem to coat the bar/chain adequately though. Fiddled around with the oiler screw but the bar and chain still gets really hot.

Got the same stuff works pretty good. I am using ace hardware branded bar oil now and it works well enough.

The Ace Hardware brand oil is the only thing I've found so far that keeps the Makita's bar and chain from getting really hot.
Haven't been on here in a bit and I realized it's about 2months ...... Scroungers never sleep, right? ...... LOL

Reminds me of last summer , I went for a walk on a beach I've not been at yet with the wife and the dog





I was looking at all this dry firewood but had to leave it there .
Even found a lobstah trap but no scrounge there either LOL

My unit specifically says not to use that wood.
Do they explain why?

I know that some driftwood bonfires we had on the beach got so hot that they melted cast aluminum handles off of cooking pots, and appeared to have turned some of the sand into glass.

But in a stove you can regulate the fire somewhat.

Hey guys, did some tree cutting last saturday for a guy. Put in about 6 hours of work on his property cutting a mixture of firewood and saw logs. He pulls them out with his JD 5205 4x4 tractor. Had some fun and plan to go back before this weekend if I have the time. I only got one picture at this time, maybe I can manage to take more next time, or maybe I'll take the gopro. Scrounge on.

Pulling a tree out.

Near the end of the day, wish I had before/after.
We are getting tornadoes up here in Michigan. Should be some good scrounging. Stay safe fellow Michiganders.
Yup we got hammered pretty good....i got called in last night about 10pm and got off at 10am. I gotta be back to work at 5pm. Storm damage and downed wires[emoji7] $$$$$