Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Hey @svk how do you like that 241 I am lookin at getting a new limbing saw my old stihl 009l is getting alittle tired and wondering how they run. I'm not sure if it ok or if I should get a 261. Figured I'd ask someone who has one
It's a nice light saw. Runs well and idles great with the Mtronic.

I'm only about 3 tanks in to it so I'd assume there's more power to be had in the next dozen tankfuls.
My brother loves his 241, and I have seen many more positive than negative on it. In fact, the only negative seems to be the price. But like my Dad used to say, quality will be remembered long after the price paid is forgotten.

For the life of me, I can't remember what I paid for my 044, but I still love running it! I could likely sell it for more than I paid for it.
lol I already have a 066 ported and a 044/046 hybrid I sure wish there was a dolmar dealer within a 100 miles I would like to try something different they seem to be good saws from what I have read. I just looking for something light and has decent power
What other saws do you already have, and to keep it thread related, for scrounging lol.
I enjoy mine for the short time I have used it, it has a 16 on it and I'm looking forward to running a 14 on it also.
I may be selling mine as I have a ported 2145, 2152 and 2 346's(theres some of the husky for you @nomad_archer, and I had another one I had just bought and forgot about in the truck that night when I did my ratio :)) as well as the ms200rear handle and the ms201 rear handle. It all depends on what sells, but I wouldn't mind keeping the 241 as it is a fun little saw.
I was at a buddies and he had a little ms251 and they were telling me how great it was, and in comparison to the craftsman they had there also it was a sweet saw lol. I was looking forward to running it as it had the picco chain on it and I have never run a 251/250, but just given a few guys a hard time about them/ms250 @farmer steve @PhilMcWoody .
He said give it a try and I picked it up and noticed it had a brand new chain, then I also noticed it was on backwards lol.
I figured that was an indication I should show them how the 241 compared since they said it was a lesser model because it was a 241 and they had the 251 :laugh:. They were impressed that that "smaller" saw could cut so well:laughing:.
I told him just think ... yours could cut almost that well if you put the chain on right :happybanana:.

I think @dancan has one, and so does @CaseyForrest with a 12" bar:chainsaw:.
DAMMIT LIMBY, DON'T YOU DARE START THAT SH!T AGAIN! Keep doing that and I'll kick your arse! Why can't you be more like your brother? Go and sit over there and think about what you've done!

28th Nov4.jpg

I had noodled 7 or 8 big (30+ inch) rounds of termity peppermint with Limby which didn't take long. Didn't miss a beat.

Here's the load this evening, haven't got around to unloading it yet. That's the last of the peppermint I have cut so it's just the big bluegum only now. When I finish that, I'll find other trees and keep going until either we go on holidays or the Aussie summer finally arrives and puts an abrupt end to all scrounging. So far, we've had a couple of days into the low 30s (C) but they've mostly been mid 20s, very pleasant.

28th Nov 5.jpg

Right, now where was I? Ah yes. I then go around to the bluegum to get cracking into the trunk of this ancient, high BTU monster. Limby won't start. Floods, smell of fuel. Hmm. Dry off spark plug, clear cylinder, put back together. Good pull. Turns over a couple of times and stops. More pulls. Won't start. Floods, smell of fuel. And so on. Just like before. One more chance, tomorrow Limby. Keep doing this and even the MS310 will be above you on the pecking order.

At least someone still works, my new favourite saw :heart: (which happens to be my old favourite saw).

28th Nov3.jpg

Then, just in case the day hasn't been hard enough and it's time to turn in for a bit of slap and tickle, look who wants to make it a threesome.


Does this happen to anyone else, or is it just me?

No leash law for pets down there ?
Hey Cowboy254 , didn't you saw time was short on that property ?
Can you haul and stage the logs in an area and have trucked to your place to process later ?
MS241 , yup I've got gallons run through mine , great saw for the type of cutting I do .
If a MTronic saw gets hard to start, put it in the Run (Not Start) position and hold the trigger down, then pull the cord. You may need to use a foot to hold it, but it will start. It is usually good to let them idle for a few seconds before shutting them down, helps to reset something.
Its was a beast! Lots of fun cutting.

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Here's a pics of my big buddy @woodcut70 cleaning up the brush before we dropped her he's a big boy 6'4 and 350
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Here's a pics of my big buddy @woodcut70 cleaning up the brush before we dropped her he's a big boy 6'4 and 350

Yes I do. And that thing is a ripper with ole shorty on it.

I'm more impressed with the 241 than I was with the 261. 261 just left me "blah" running a 16" bar with 3/8 chain. Maybe it would have done better with some picco or .325

sent from a field
If a MTronic saw gets hard to start, put it in the Run (Not Start) position and hold the trigger down, then pull the cord. You may need to use a foot to hold it, but it will start. It is usually good to let them idle for a few seconds before shutting them down, helps to reset something.
Thanks for the tip. The only one of mine that doesn't pop pretty quick is the 441. But it always starts. Hasn't been back to the dealer since I bought it.

I always let my saws idle before shutting them off to get rid of some heat.

sent from a field
I snuck out and loaded a load of firewood after I got home from work tonight, almost killed me but I did it. I've already had my tonsils out when I was a kid. My problem starts with my Uvula, yah ya smart azzes check the spelling it's spelt right, I'm a dude. It's that flappy thing that hangs in the back of your throat, not the lady parts one, mine gets infected easily and I end up losing my voice and having coughing fits. Can't simply cut it off either because it helps with speech. My wife is suggesting they just cut it off, says she's heard everything she wants to from me anyway. 9 hour drive tomorrow to deliver a house so we'll see how I make out. My lovely wife is riding shotgun with me in case I collapse. Got plans to head back to the bush on sunday to do some hauling.

Yep, the Uvala can be a pita. Mine was oversized and when infected it layed on the back of my tongue, a constant cause of soar throat and a gagging feeling. 10 years ago I had it removed by laser and not a soar throat since even though I still have my tonsils. The recovery from that surgery is not a lot of fun. The back of my mouth and throat looked like I had tried to swallow a torch. I could not eat a crumb of solid food for 9 days and it hurt like hell to swallow water of broth. I don't know why such a large area was burned, maybe the surgeon dropped the laser tool in my mouth or had it set on "napalm". LOL. After you have it done you will be the life of the party because you will talk like Donald Duck and after your friends are done laughing they will respond in the voices of other Walt Disney characters. Just kidding, it did not change my speech at all! The only slight negative effect is I very infrequently will gag a little while eating but it seems I have mostly self trained away from that situation. Apparently the uvala acts as a feeler when food approaches the throat. The bottom line is I wish I would have done it 20 years earlier. No regrets whatsoever.
Yep, the Uvala can be a pita. Mine was oversized and when infected it layed on the back of my tongue, a constant cause of soar throat and a gagging feeling. 10 years ago I had it removed by laser and not a soar throat since even though I still have my tonsils. The recovery from that surgery is not a lot of fun. The back of my mouth and throat looked like I had tried to swallow a torch. I could not eat a crumb of solid food for 9 days and it hurt like hell to swallow water of broth. I don't know why such a large area was burned, maybe the surgeon dropped the laser tool in my mouth or had it set on "napalm". LOL. After you have it done you will be the life of the party because you will talk like Donald Duck and after your friends are done laughing they will respond in the voices of other Walt Disney characters. Just kidding, it did not change my speech at all! The only slight negative effect is I very infrequently will gag a little while eating but it seems I have mostly self trained away from that situation. Apparently the uvala acts as a feeler when food approaches the throat. The bottom line is I wish I would have done it 20 years earlier. No regrets whatsoever.
I had tons of sore throats as a kid. This was back in the 80's when doctors had decided that tonsils shouldn't come out versus removing them on everyone like they had previously for years and years.

In my late 20's I looked at having them removed but the doctor said that the healing is much slower and more painful for adults but I could go forward with it if I wanted. I didn't and (knock on wood) I haven't had as many problems since.

The crypts in my tonsils do collect lots of stuff especially grit and that stuff tastes terrible. Spicy food helps get it out.
Do you other MT owners notice it takes a few pulls to start it cold? Seems it takes a couple pulls to "energize" things and then once it fires it is usually ready to rip.

The 661 is the only MTronic saw I have and from new it would start first pull almost every time until it started having "issues".

If a MTronic saw gets hard to start, put it in the Run (Not Start) position and hold the trigger down, then pull the cord. You may need to use a foot to hold it, but it will start. It is usually good to let them idle for a few seconds before shutting them down, helps to reset something.

Mike, that's a great tip! No doubt I'll have an opportunity to try it out today and I'll report back. You might have just saved Limby from copping a severe beating :angry:. When I bought it, the rep said that if it wasn't running quite right, to start it and let it idle for one minute then shut it off and it would re-tune itself. That's all cool but not much use if you can't start it in the first place. Thanks to you, I now have a plan. :)

Cowboy, was thinking it's a bit to hot to be cutting this time of the year but guess your still getting the edge of some of those cold fronts.

Right on both counts, Jeff. It's not my favourite time of the year to be scrounging but time is of the essence and this sort of opportunity won't come along again for a while. It's certainly warmer than I'd like but I can cope with an hour or two most days - which is about all the time I have anyway.

No leash law for pets down there ?
Hey Cowboy254 , didn't you saw time was short on that property ?
Can you haul and stage the logs in an area and have trucked to your place to process later ?
MS241 , yup I've got gallons run through mine , great saw for the type of cutting I do .

G'day Dan, it'd be nice to be able to do that but I don't think it's feasible. Apart from the whole problem of not having the gear to do it and having to employ someone to do it (which might test the friendship with the lady farmer and probably make it so expensive that I might as well just buy the wood), the terrain makes it prohibitive. The rains this year washed out all but one of the creek crossings that get you to the bulk of the trees and the only one left has a very steep ramp and tight turn at the top that even this puny trailer only just gets around. It'd be nice, but it's all too hard. Just have to scrounge the old-fashioned way. :chop: