Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Little bit of work today 2 pine and 2 cedar. The large dead pine was leaning on the 2 cedars and a smaller dead pine so they all needed to come down. Every time I cut a cedar I smell my little sisters old hamster cage. Sadly I dread that smell.






sent from my electronic leash
Yep. I wasn't taking pictures of fish. To cold to be fumbling around with the phone and a fish. I kept the fish in the water and my phone in my pocket. Figured if I tried to take a fish picture my cold hands would drop the phone in the water.
Yea, I have used that same story before too!!
Little bit of work today 2 pine and 2 cedar. The large dead pine was leaning on the 2 cedars and a smaller dead pine so they all needed to come down. Every time I cut a cedar I smell my little sisters old hamster cage. Sadly I dread that smell.






sent from my electronic leash
Looks nice and dry!
Little bit of work today 2 pine and 2 cedar. The large dead pine was leaning on the 2 cedars and a smaller dead pine so they all needed to come down. Every time I cut a cedar I smell my little sisters old hamster cage. Sadly I dread that smell.

sent from my electronic leash

Cedar/juniper always makes me think of childhood hamster, gerbil, and rat cages too...and the associated work of cleaning them...

Took this one down last month for my neighbor, spent most of my time trying to remember the names of all of the rodents. Pete, Janet, Larry, Nourredine, and Bo, I think.

I have been using permethrin spray on the outside of my clothing and boots before heading into the woods during tick season.

I've been doing that for over 20 yrs. For me, it has worked well.

A couple years ago I was shooting beavers with my friend behind his house.

I pulled 22 ticks off of me when I got back to his house.

Number 23 was rather comical. I was on the way home and swung into the bar.

I was standing there talking to friends, the bartender, and the owner.

I then got this crawling feeling on my butt cheek.

BAM!! Down went my pants and everything and sure enough picked off a tick crawling on my butt cheek.

Pulled my pants back up and proceeded like nothing happened.

2 women gave me five bucks and the bartender bought me 2 beers. Lol
And we were expecting it go that you got rid of ticks but got the crabs[emoji3]

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It certainly did happen. I was too busy catching fish in cold knee deep water to bother taking a picture.
Yesterday was interesting.

Filled with moon and sun dogs.

For those that are unfamiliar with this....

It was a full moon yesterday morning. Went out at 0400 and it was really cool. Looked just like the picture I posted but in pitch black and the moon.

We've been having a destructive vermin problem in the lean to.

Neighbors brother in law said a giant red squirrel was tearing into the aluminum can bags, eating a gas can, and mean as hell.

Apparently he confronted it once and it wheeled around and squared up to him. [emoji15]

When they told me about this I said....eating gas cans?

Yeah....your good one.

Wut? My 6 gallon pre ban Chilton? Yep.

Squirrel wants war.....squirrel got war. No one.....I mean no one messed with my 6 gallon pre ban Chilton.

Yesterday afternoon during my old man nap I was interrupted by the sound of gunshots followed by the neighbor banging on the door and panting "I'm out of bullets"

Wtf are you two up to out there I said.

It's the squirrel...pant..pant....I got a round into him.....he took off and Jason has him treed. shot the squirrel with a 9mm and it took off....and what do you mean Jason has its treed?

Yes. Devon then opened the door. There's the foot of the tree....barking. Yep

I go to the safe.

Neighbor said getting the 22?

No. The tree rat ate my Chilton. This ends.

Grabbed the AR.....and slogged through the snow.

Sure enough a blood trail going from lean to to tree and Jason treeing him in said tree.

I ended it.

It was i believe a fox squirrel.

First time I've ever seen one right around here.


Merry Christmas too bud. Have fun with the family.
Yikes--Squirrel Wars!:eek:
Was actually surprised with the detail of that toy saw. Will not run till you turn it on, then pull the cord! Rubber chain spins, and they give you an extra chain!

Also, the trigger safety lock actually works! But best of all, he seems to like it!

My boy has one of those saws. We gave it a woods port and filed him up a nice juicy chain.
Now that sucker throws chips the size of Fritos! Haha

I have seen some anemic ones, and some not. The 044s were more consistent IMO (although basically the same saw). Often they respond very well to a dp muffler, removing the carb limiters, and an HD-2 filter. I also like to do a base gasket delete and a timing advance. With these mods they often out run MS 460s.
My 044 with a bit off work will eat the 460/461 right up in wood up to 24, not sure over that. The 460 is a great mix of torque and rpm's, and ported it will cut almost twice as fast.
Two strokes are eazy peezy. Follow the torque specs, get rings on the right way, make sure your cylinder is clean, straight, and honed. Don't use cheap parts, especially gaskets. The hard stuff is the porting. Guys that can mold a port job into power are artists. If you don't do it for a living making time on the repair doesn't matter. Do it at a pace that works for you. Honestly carb kits on some of these carbs are more technical than putting a top end in.
I don't rebuild carbs, I would buy a new one or send it packing, waste of time as I'm not to attached to my saws :).
I can buy a complete hub from one of my suppliers , all repacked with good grease , might be 10$ more than just buying good bearings and seals , worth the 10$ to me every time :)
I even stock them lol
That's sweet, "loaded bearings" lol.
Well- I ordered an oil bath hub kit. I should have everything ready to get it back together once that kit comes. I still need to upgrade wheels and tires, but I'm anxious to see how the new setup will work.
Those sounds sweet, I never new they made them till panolo said something. I think it's overkill for how much most people use a trailer though, as even packing grease in them is as the bearing spits ever bit of grease off as soon as you get up to road speeds. The enemy is dirt and water, other than that the slightest bit of grease is enough.
I just put new tires on my 2015 trailer last week. We have many trailer manufactures around here and get pretty sweet deals on wheels and tires. Tires are 60 at Costco here plus install and taxes, I could have gotten steel wheels and tires for 90 each plus tax and a little further drive, but I chose to drive a bit and buy some from a guy in Indiana for 425 no tax which are aluminum wheels and tires all new never mounted.
I used my Japanese trailer jack to change them out the other day :D.

No one get jealous but this is my "scrounge" for today lol. Stopped on the side of the road and what do I see but 2 split pieces waiting for me.
Nice wood Lee, so you "took it in" :D.
When I see those shoes and pants it's usually because the state is scrounging from my wallet :laugh:.
Merry Christmas, folks!

That's beautiful HW.
Makes me want to get the Solomons or Atomics out and carve a line or 2, if only we had something like that here.

Merry Christmas to you and the rest of the scroungers here albeit a bit late, it's never to late to celebrate the birth of Christ, and it should actually be celebrated daily :yes:.
My 044 with a bit off work will eat the 460/461 right up in wood up to 24, not sure over that. The 460 is a great mix of torque and rpm's, and ported it will cut almost twice as fast.

I agree that most (or all) of the gains from the 044/440 can be had w/o porting (depending on the cylinder), and make stock 460s (and even 660s) look slow.

046/460s respond very well to porting, giving them a lot of torque. My strongest 044 (#1) will run just about as fast as the ported 460s as long as you let the saw "run", but if you are avoiding a pinch, or just want to lean on it, the 460s are noticeably stronger. The other 044 and 440 are a bit slower, but still run very good. IMO, #1 is just a freak.

I am currently having a hybrid built, which should have all the power & torque of a 460 in the weight of a 440. The ones I ran at the most recent GTG finally had it figured out. Before that, most of them had speed, but lacked the torque of a ported 460.
Been colder here the last couple of days so I decided to head back farther into the bush to a wetter section. Pics are the last 2 loads I hauled out today in the dry section. 200 logs on one pile and 45 on the other and then all the smaller stuff. There is open water running down the trail, it's barely frozen at the edges. Darn, oh well figured I would cut a bunch of small crap down and make another landing site inside the bush anyway. This section has more poplar than ash and lots of it is falling down or leaning bad. There is lots of cedar there too. I went ahead with the chainsaw and cut a new trail out of the bush and into the open field. Got busy and wasn't paying much attention to what was just off the trail. Hour later and just before dark I was using the tractor to clear the brush and I pushed a bunch of cedar off the trail and bumped a 20" poplar. It sure came down fast and just beside the tractor. Rotten right thru and was just leaning against another tree and barely standing up. I'm usually a lot more careful than that. 1st job tomorrow morning is to do what I normally do is walk in and cut down anything that is dead or leaning before I even start making trails. My phone was sitting on the kitchen table where I left it so no pics either. Big rush to get back to the bush before dark and get something done. That should have been the 1st sign.

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