Some fun scrounging I thinkCan't say I have but thanks for posting.
Some fun scrounging I thinkCan't say I have but thanks for posting.
A couple of minor variations, but, Chainsaw Acquisition Disorder, Joe
That's really funnyI went in to see my doctor a while back for a new prescription and she asked me how I was. I said I was ok other than having contracted CAD. She had never heard of it and was scratching her head trying to work out whether she'd missed something in medical school. I kept her hanging for a while.
Small things amuse small minds.
Contact @spike60Who has the best prices on Husqvarna saws? since I'm in CA I have to pay tax with baileys. They still beat chainsaws direct though with tax and shipping
C hainsaws A re D umb.What does CAD mean?
C hainsaws A re D umb.
Steve, if you make it up 95, was it Albany, I can squeeze a couple of my smaller Homelites in your back seat. I know I have an XL 900 series I could get rid of, maybe a C72, and I have a Super 1050 that I cooked the cylinder and piston on, I've got a new used cylinder and new greek piston, and an nos carb still in the box. The two 80CC saws probably haver 20-24" bars and the 1050 has a 24 and 36 with new chains. I have another XL 924 with a 30" bar but want to keep that one, and another Super 1050 that I use as my back up milling saw. I could probably throw the old Zip-6 in too, it's in the 80-90CC range, made mid late 60's. Let me know when you're heading up the road, Joe.I had about 40 saws including non running projects this summer.
Now I'm down to what's in my signature plus a L65 in a box, a complete 55 that will hopefully be running this weekend, and two 55 parts saws. One of the Echo's is SPF to be delivered this weekend and the 4218 is promised to a friend as well.
I'd still like to get my hands on a larger vintage Homelite, a Husky 480, and who knows what else.