Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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So, looking online, the wood that I thought was mulberry, looks similar to black locust.

I’m trying to find the pics of when it was alive this summer, as it had fallen onto my bridge that goes into my woods.
It does look similar, but what I'm not seeing is the growth rings changing size much which seems to be very characteristic of black locust. They are normally very tight rings when you're and they begin to open up as they get older.
I think splitting it you'll be able to tell real quick, crack a round open and report back :popcorn2:.
Not hate, TRUTH. I wonder what the kick back is that the quacks get from big pharmaceutical...
They get zero.

The profession is ruled by pharmaceutical lobbyists and medical schools which train to treat symptoms. Doctors themselves only make money off services provided. And they only get a small percentage of what the hospital/clinic makes.

It’s a giant sham but it’s tolerated because modern medicine provides so much benefit to people.
Secondly, ask a doctor what they think of chiropractors, homeopathic healers, spiritual wellness healers, etc. They’ll tell you that those other guys are quacks.

BUT, they fail to recognize that a great deal of bodily issues come from stress. And where does stress come from...upstairs in your brain. How do you get rid of stress? Pills, lifestyle changes, and/or therapy. Pills alone don’t always work!

I’ve got chronic neck issues, and throwing a bunch of strong muscle relaxers at that isn’t the answer. Physical therapy didn’t work. Chiropractic and craniosacral did.
Lost my firewood helper almost 2 years ago (@14 yrs, 4mo)View attachment 802056
Decided enough time has passed to get a new helper.....

View attachment 802061
Goldens are beautiful, well mannered dogs. You could leave a hamburger on the coffee table and walk away and the idea of taking it would never cross her mind. If you had a hamburger in your hand, and let it get a bit to low, my Black Lab would slime your arm to the elbow and take the burger.
The green chain is really smooth for branches. The non safety chain is kinda grabby for brush but makes awesome chips cutting chunks. If this becomes the wife's saw I'd stick with green chain.
My BIL had an MS 290 and always talked about how much he liked it. Got out to my other BIL's house and he asked me to take a tree down for him. So, I ran out and bought an MS 290. I was bitchin about how big of a dog it was, and was thinking about taking it back. Went into my dealer and asked if they had any more aggressive chain. He said Green was homeowner and Yellow was more aggressive. Switched to Yellow and actually liked the saw. Then my first BIL picked mine up and it scared him. He won't use Yellow chain, says it cuts Too fast. So, I guess there is a real need for homeowner chain. This was about 15 years ago, when I was still using 100CC Super 1050 with a 20' bar for trimming and another 100CC Super 1050 with a 36" bar for bucking. Going to the 290 was like getting off a G-force machine onto a Merry Go Round. Times sure change.
My BIL had an MS 290 and always talked about how much he liked it. Got out to my other BIL's house and he asked me to take a tree down for him. So, I ran out and bought an MS 290. I was bitchin about how big of a dog it was, and was thinking about taking it back. Went into my dealer and asked if they had any more aggressive chain. He said Green was homeowner and Yellow was more aggressive. Switched to Yellow and actually liked the saw. Then my first BIL picked mine up and it scared him. He won't use Yellow chain, says it cuts Too fast. So, I guess there is a real need for homeowner chain. This was about 15 years ago, when I was still using 100CC Super 1050 with a 20' bar for trimming and another 100CC Super 1050 with a 36" bar for bucking. Going to the 290 was like getting off a G-force machine onto a Merry Go Round. Times sure change.
And those 290’s are a complete bear to work on too!!
And those 290’s are a complete bear to work on too!!
I can't kill mine. It's lived on the back of the truck for at least 10 years. It's so faded it's almost all the same color.I was thinking when it dies, I'd put a 390 top end on it, but it just won't die.
I can't kill mine. It's lived on the back of the truck for at least 10 years. It's so faded it's almost all the same color.I was thinking when it dies, I'd put a 390 top end on it, but it just won't die.
My cousin straight gassed his so I’ve got a 390 kit on order. If I had known what a bitch it was to work on I would have referred him elsewhere.
My BIL had an MS 290 and always talked about how much he liked it. Got out to my other BIL's house and he asked me to take a tree down for him. So, I ran out and bought an MS 290. I was bitchin about how big of a dog it was, and was thinking about taking it back. Went into my dealer and asked if they had any more aggressive chain. He said Green was homeowner and Yellow was more aggressive. Switched to Yellow and actually liked the saw. Then my first BIL picked mine up and it scared him. He won't use Yellow chain, says it cuts Too fast. So, I guess there is a real need for homeowner chain. This was about 15 years ago, when I was still using 100CC Super 1050 with a 20' bar for trimming and another 100CC Super 1050 with a 36" bar for bucking. Going to the 290 was like getting off a G-force machine onto a Merry Go Round. Times sure change.
Guess I was specifically thinking of cutting brush. I only run picco on my top handle saws right now. I would like to try a echo 361p or stihl 201C-EM with it. Retire the 011 AVT but it just keeps going. It didn't have a ton of hours when I got it. My cousin left it here after he dropped it out of a tree broke half of the handle and a mount bolt. At home I try to make stove wood out of as much as I have the patience for.
No money in that game any more. Heroin is to cheap.
Problem is Scrips are covered by insurance. They write them ,the "patient " gets them filled at zero to a very low copay . Then get 10 to 15 dollars a pill on the street dr gets a kickback from the dealer. They bust them everyday here but the temptation is to great so for every one that's caught 2 new ones pop up. We pay for it
Problem is Scrips are covered by insurance. They write them the "patient " gets them filled at zero to a very low copay . Then get 10 to 15 dollars a pill on the street. We pay for it
10 to 15 bucks a piece isn't worth the risk. If you can't get double the mg as a price it's not worth the time involved.