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I've had some bad ones on the dirt, and some long painful ones on the street. It sucks when all you can do is just surf it out until it eventually catches and sends you tumbling, then you get to look at your bike still sliding/tumbling when you finally stop.
The last one on the road I called my wife to pick me up, being the awesome woman she is she asked me if I wanted her to bring the trailer, I said no, just hurry. When she got there and asked why I didn't want the trailer, I explained that I only had so much time before the adrenaline ran out and I needed to scrub out my wounds lol. She asked me not to ride not long after that one, it was the third time going down that summer and our son was 1, not sure why me doing wheelies past the van at 70+ was a problem, maybe it was when they didn't go so well
A friend from school and his father are both paralyzed waist down from dirt bike accidents.
He's a real go getter though, you should see his off-road wheelchair, looks like this one except better quality/ more H/D.
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I spent most of my youth racing MX and Enduros and did OK with injuries except for one. Never owned a street bike but I was a motorcycle mechanic and got my fill of street riding testing the bikes I worked on, especially intermittent problems.I'm a little more mellow on the street...I mean the average motorist probably things I'm riding like a hooligan, but I leave a safety margin with my street riding. That also doesn't mean that I ride recklessly in the dirt, it's just that I'm usually closer to the "edge" when dirt riding.
It's probably a good thing I don't have quite the same confidence on the street like I do in the dirt. I can still rip around pretty well on a street bike, but I'm constantly thinking about all my rider inputs when I'm riding hard. On the dirt, it's all second nature and I just feel in the "zone."
My big wreck a couple years ago was when I was leading a couple of the local fast high school kids on a "trail ride" out in the desert. Like trail rides often do, it evolved into more of an unofficial race. My own stupid pride wouldn't allow some kids to be faster than me, so I really started dialing the pace up...it was working until I stuffed the front in some deep sand whoops and lawn-darted myself into one of the whoop faces.
One of the kid's dads thanked me later on lol...said his kid slowed it down after watching my incident. It didn't last long, as he still rips on a dirt bike and is now trying to turn pro, racing mountain bikes.![]()
In MX I broke or cracked something in my left shoulder. Enduro in the Jersey Pine Barrons I broke a bone in my hand hitting a tree. Super tight trail and we would put 26" wide bars on the bikes for Jersey.
Enduro in North PA I came across a rider down with severe hip pain. Not much I could do and eventually others stopped to help including a trail sweeper. So I take off and start riding over my head to make up time. Hit a rock which shoots me into the woods where I hit a tree. So now I'm on the ground squirming with severe hip pain. This happened on top of a mountain and it took the ambulance crew over an hour to hike up to me. The trip back down in a basket was horrible even with morphine. I get wheeled into my room at the little hospital and laying in the other bed was the guy I stopped for, also with a broken hip. The doctor on call was an equestrian who hated dirt bikes. He was out riding his horse and had to be called into the hospital. I swear he was pushing and pulling on us just to create pain and being verbally abusive.

A better day.