So when she was hanging out with me and my kids, she just didn’t really engage them at all. When I was with her and her kids, I would have good conversations with all of them.Just one thought? The one who was not so interested in your kids? Was maybe she being polite and not wanting to indicate she would "take over" as a Mom or parent? Or did she signal she really wasn't going to be there for the support?
Uhm, No on the Cougars, Ok? I dont want to have to explain to you the whole menopause thing. Cougars that can pose well don't necessarily turn out to be able to get busy three to four times per week. That crap shoot (menopause) is NOT predicatable what you are going to get. Its real, and the "effect" can be wide ranging in its affect on you and her. So the advice goes even deeper to all of you "men". Do some reading up, just so you actually know what it is.
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With that one, it was a few months of hanging out, then we parted, amicably. Many months later she wanted back again, and I didn’t.@svk. It takes a bit of compromise. My wife hated me saying so, she understood it to mean I settled for easy and mediocre, for probably 20 years or more. She doesn't question it now after 33+.
Sure first impressions are usually spot on, but maybe not perfect.
I have a friend who is my age. His wife is 23 years older than him. That puts her at 66. To each his own but when he's 53 she'll be 76. I just don't know how that plays out in a good way.So when she was hanging out with me and my kids, she just didn’t really engage them at all. When I was with her and her kids, I would have good conversations with all of them.
Regarding cougars, some of them are definitely ready to get busy and others have “closed the inn” permanently. I don’t know what the formula is for them deciding to want it or not but I’d say a full half of them are out of the running, if that’s the measure by which they’re categorized….. but for many of them it’s been closed down since long before menopause anyway.
Few years ago, I was driving the wife's Ford focus and came across a skid full of free cinder blocks. Was far enough away from home that I didn't want to come back or risk they wouldn't be there. Filled the trunk, then the back seat and the last few went on the passenger front floor and seat. The home owner even helped load then up, he was laughing the entire time. It was a rough ride home to say the least.Passed a guy scrounging on the roadside today. He had a trunk full of small rounds and zogger wood and was trying to wrestle in about an eight foot section with a fork in it. All in the trunk of a crown vic. Had to give him an A for effort.
My wife and I met shortly after she broke up with her ex that was constantly cheating on her. After she graduated college we moved in together (she moved in with me) few years after that we bought a house and got married. 13 years and counting. Guess I'm the long term rebound guy. Lol.I know you’re just here to disagree, so here you go.
Yes, it takes two for a marriage to work, but only takes ONE to wreck it, especially if they are a cheater, abuser, narcissist, sociopath, etc. if you’ve ever been in or known someone in a relationship with either of the latter two of these, you’ll understand that there is no winning. They will absolutely refuse to accept blame for anything, and it’s always the other person’s fault. The other person always loses until they walk away. For example, if narcissistic person cheats on their spouse, they will accept no responsibility for the act as the other person’s faults caused them to do it. Yes it’s silly to us normal people but that’s exactly how they operate.
Secondly, I will continue to disagree with you on how long people need before they can enter a good relationship. If someone is a good person, and get away from a bad person there is no hard and fast rule as to how long they need to recover or heal. Often by the time a marriage has broken up, both spouses are already living or ready to live there next life.
Funny that you should throw shade on my last relationship, we made it 21 years. That’s a lot more than many people do.
Some of them REALLY look good well into their 50s… But father time is undefeated.I have a friend who is my age. His wife is 23 years older than him. That puts her at 66. To each his own but when he's 53 she'll be 76. I just don't know how that plays out in a good way.
I don’t mind kids, and you will very often find attractive women with a special-needs kid still on the market assumingely because of that.Few years ago, I was driving the wife's Ford focus and came across a skid full of free cinder blocks. Was far enough away from home that I didn't want to come back or risk they wouldn't be there. Filled the trunk, then the back seat and the last few went on the passenger front floor and seat. The home owner even helped load then up, he was laughing the entire time. It was a rough ride home to say the least.
My wife and I met shortly after she broke up with her ex that was constantly cheating on her. After she graduated college we moved in together (she moved in with me) few years after that we bought a house and got married. 13 years and counting. Guess I'm the long term rebound guy. Lol.
The kid thing is complicated. I love mine, and my nephews and nieces. Cousins kids are great too. I'd do about anything for any one of them, priority to mine.
I absolutely would skip past someone with kids, and did pass up a great girl because I couldn't get over her having someone else's kid. (Before I met my wife.) Idk why I feel like that, I'm quite good with kids. But have no want to take care of kids that arnt mine.
All will be forgiven if you run one of your Hooskys this weekend.This thread is it going to be called “scrounging women, and other things” pretty soon. Sorry for the derails.
Mr Stargazer sent the sherrif?On a totally different note, here’s a good one for you guys
I live on the lake and most of us have anywhere from 1 to 15 acre lots depending on the width and depth of the lot. Mine is 4 1/2 acres. Behind us, there is a landlocked chunk of 40 acres. The original owner of the 40 bought it off of tax for fit and then his estate sold it to somebody else. This guy thinks he is sitting on a gold mine so about once every 10 years he puts it up for sale for an absolutely obnoxious price. Mind you this is land that is within a few hundred feet of a lake, but does not have lake view and much of it is a rock farm and a great deal of the rest of it is swamp so you would have significant work to even put in a road let alone a building site. Last fall he had it surveyed and I hear he wants 350,000 for it now…
A couple weeks back my neighbor had a visit from the sheriff who asked if he could cross his property to investigate the “squatters” back there on the adjacent land (owned by mr stargazer) . This had us a little bit worried because this area has had almost zero crime since the beginning of time and there would be no reason for squatters to be up on that area because it’s all private property.
Turns out this “hobo camp” was nothing more than a fort that my neighbors grandkids had built a few years back. I’m sure the sheriff has been on less fruitful missions in the past, but this one was pretty much a waste of their time!
or a broken guitar string for dental floss, make a strange echo in a hollow skullBingo!
I dated a gal and we ultimately parted as friends. She expressed interest in getting back together and I passed because she had no interest in my kids.
I know it is tough to leave a challenging partner due to trauma bonding, stockholm syndrome, etc but people need to think about what they want and GTFO!!!
I have had a lot of dates that did not go anywhere. Only one that I would call bad....that person posted pics on their dating profile BEFORE using meth. Ugh. Luckily I had groceries in the car and said it was hot and I needed to get them home lolol. Looked like someone ran a raker file between each of her teeth lolol
Thought maybe you guy's that scrounge wood, might share some of your scrounging methods with the seemingly growing crowd of newbie wood burners. From what I have been reading, they would be quite appreciative to hear how you score, and where you score. There is a lot of useful and interesting information scattered throughout the firewood forum. I thought it might be nice to share some of your experiences in one thread, for those who are just starting out and maybe those who are struggling a bit. Thanks to
I will check with currently active logging sites. Some will let you in to clean up the tops. Another way that I have fed my boiler is to check the city and county parks for storm damage, trees or even larger limbs that have blown down.Thought maybe you guy's that scrounge wood, might share some of your scrounging methods with the seemingly growing crowd of newbie wood burners. From what I have been reading, they would be quite appreciative to hear how you score, and where you score. There is a lot of useful and interesting information scattered throughout the firewood forum. I thought it might be nice to share some of your experiences in one thread, for those who are just starting out and maybe those who are struggling a bit. Thanks to anyone who cares to share.
We believe so? Anyone on my road would have been smart enough to tell the difference between a kids fort and a hobo campMr Stargazer sent the sherrif?
Yeah, I get it, If it were me/us, any one of us would have recognized the building materials and some of our TOOLS left behind, dang kids....We believe so? Anyone on my road would have been smart enough to tell the difference between a kids fort and a hobo camp