Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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This will be a bittersweet post. My dog Ellie who is 13 years 9 months is suffering from Congestive Heart Failure. The last month has been a pretty rapid decline and the medication isn't working and she's starting to struggle. She's losing control of her bodily functions. I thought she was going to pass last night with how hard she was struggling. I decided I'm going to have to call the vet tomorrow. It's hard watching a dog who used to be so tough and determined lose her strength.

She's my first dog and we've spent lots of time in the field together. We've hunted in 8 states together and had lots of great times. My only wish is that I would've hunted more with her the last 5 years. Here's a few of my favorite pics.
Her first pheasant...
View attachment 1204966Her first South Dakota limit...
View attachment 1204963
Her last grouse...View attachment 1204965Her last South Dakota pheasant...
View attachment 1204964The boys with her this morning...View attachment 1204967
Lots of tears being shed today for the old girl.
I'm so far behind I have been skimming... This post struck a cord for me. Sorry to hear of your dog's ills. My English Setter, Mose, is also about 13. He was a superb upland dog... the regional director of Ruffed Grouse Society trained him. Due to a move driven by a job change by his wife he had to thin out his kennel. He gave me Mose... steady on the point, steady to the gun, and he set me up for many successful shots on pheasant, grouse, quail and woodcock.

I spent an hour and a half sitting in the outdoor dog run last night as Mose is suffering with congestive heart failure also. He could barely breathe and couldn't stand. I bundled him up and comforted him. The look in his eyes was like he was having a panic attack.... It was nearly 11 PM when he was calmed down, breathing pretty well, and regained his feet. We went back into the house. I was prepared to find him deceased this morning... To my relief he was actually pretty good this morning and this evening.

He has light liver spots and the mud kind of overwhelms them in this photo from October 1, 2017... opening day for pheasant. The past few seasons he didn't get much field time as he was deteriorating with age. He'll get none this year.

What is that thing on the side of your truck? Stretcher? Do you do search and rescue?
Guys put them under there tires to get un stuck

Never seen them used in person, but have seen plenty of videos

I just keep a tow strap or two and have buddies with bigger better trucks 🤣
From the second I held him, I knew he was the one for me. Love this dog and he loves me and my girls back

My heart breaks for you guysView attachment 1205573View attachment 1205571View attachment 1205572View attachment 1205569View attachment 1205570
It's hard to watch... I had a lot of memorable hunts with Mose. He liked attention and loved to hunt... In the field he responded to whistle, verbal and hand commands. He generally stayed within shotgun range in heavy cover and would hold a point indefinitely in wide open spaces. It was a pleasure watching him hunt.
Good evening – got two more boat halves painted this afternoon.

We’re in the home stretch, just need to paint the inside of the Crestliner and we can close down this operation for winter.

Definitely have the paint sprayer dialed in much better now. I use a different type of thinner today (IIRC it was xylene) and the paint seems to spread a lot better than when using lacquer thinner.

What is that thing on the side of your truck? Stretcher? Do you do search and rescue?
As chipper said, Overland Recovery Boards , they have saved me and my buddies numerous times, they work great in mud and snow, tuff conditions, and tractor to ,Lol IMG_1811.jpeg
You guys are getting free fire wood? How the heck do you pull that off?
You might have to go back to pages 1-8 or so to find comments about wood scrounging, but yes, plenty of free wood to be had here. Tree service and homeowner postings on Craigslist/Facebook every day. Often not the best firewood (but sometimes it is). Neighbors, friends, work colleagues, and just asking others about downed trees and cleanup will get more than you can use. Probably an opportunity thing compared to Wyoming, with more trees and/or more people in other locations.
You guys are getting free fire wood? How the heck do you pull that off?
Friends,family, wastebook, Craigslist, word of mouth, logging buddy. It's out there, just need the time and equipment to go and get it.
edit: I see H-Ranch beat me to it lol.
Have the skidding winch for that 😆.
It's been used a few time for it as well...
I have a dumping area, with a landing on my property, the end gets real soft and and well got a little to close to end and buried the front end up to belly lol , the recovery boards to the rescue,👍

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