Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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I'm not really familiar with the carb on these saws but is there a check valve/ball of some sort that might be leaking? Can you get a mirror/borescope in there to see where the gas is coming from?
I replaced the main check screen with a nos ball check kit. It's kinda a pain to install, but it's also kinda hard to screw it up at the same time. (I had this same issue before I rebuilt the carb.)
Yes, I may be able to get a little mirror in there, but I'm fairly certain it's leaking out of the main jet.
Is it scrounging when the wood comes to you? Was mowing the lawn when I saw my father in law pull up on his lawn tractor with a trailer load of rounds. An addendum to my previous scrounge at his place. My son helped me split it all up. Got about a face cord of silver maple and a good bit of pine which I split small for kindling
Would that be a lean to attached to the lean to? :laughing: It just cracks me up that you refer to part of the main structure as a lean to. :ices_rofl:
Well, it is using a supporting wall from the main bay, so technically it is a lean-to, jist not an open one. I actually put all the electrical on the east wall and routed the underground wire to the panel to the east of the south wall, just in I want to add another 16' to the gable end :rock:. Just not sure where the cash for that or the time to do it will come from, gotta pack things in tighter lol.
Yea , I have like 3 newly ported saws need some time on them ,that’s the problem not enough time , isn’t it always the issue 🤔
Yep, it's time, money, or health it seems.