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These weren’t started when I was around

Really liked this one
These weren’t started when I was around

Really liked this one

Good evening Mike.
How long do you think it takes those pictures to come thru once the camera takes them, a buddy of mine was wondering and I have no idea.
This is for Matt lol.
Attempted to, usually lands on the opposite side.
Nah, I'd do it the way I did even with the DNR right here. As long as it's in front of the gill plate if you want to keep them. If they're older and I accidentally get one in the tail, I just walk right up the shore and drag them in, when they're fresh, there ain't no chance of that.
Not WTF, it is Dino, The Sinclair Oil dinosaur. Froom the days when we all used dinosaur oil, not synthetic.Some trucks
Should be in the WTF threadView attachment 1212680
I knew what it was just why have it in the back of the truck in the parking lot . My uncle that had the car dealership was also a Sinclair dealer .Not WTF, it is Dino, The Sinclair Oil dinosaur. Froom the days when we all used dinosaur oil, not synthetic.
Exactly what I did, except I kept way less. I was just telling a buddy who was over today, if you're in the water at the 6th ST dam in GR at the right time in the spring that you will go thru a hundred hooks in a day, and that you'll "land"(sometimes I never went in depending on the water height) more fish than most people have landed in a whole yr(except panfish).Back when I was obsessed with steelheadin' I released 100 for every 2 I took home. It had NOTHING to do with preserving the resource, I simply wanted to pound fish and very few people wanted them for table fare. Same thing when I went through the walleye phase, it got to the point where I was producing more than I cared to deal with at 3:00 AM on a workday. Bluegills on the other hand, are a different story. Hand sized gills are in short supply around here, and a greedy slob can do severe damage in short order.
Are you serious, that crazy if it did, just happened to be in my feed today and I thought of youThis episode aired this summer
Wife did that today with her sister(she also has 5 brothers), but I'm sure they didn't have as nice of a fireWife had her sisters over, love seeing them all laughing it up and enjoying each others company View attachment 1212791
That's fun! Love tracking a deer in the snow, then chasing it down and catching it just over a knoll without it knowing you're there. Pretty much has to be on private land and just the right conditions.Hunting deer when there is a nearly full moon has always been a problem… It seems the deer move around all night and hunker down when the hunters can hunt. Years ago I resorted to still hunting and continuously scanning with good binoculars to find them bedded down. It’s much more intense hunting than sitting. Now… I’m hunting with the flintlock and mix it up… natural ground cover and still hunting. Hopefully I can get out a bit… all depends on mom’s needs.
Agreed on the C&R only folk, and I will add fly only snobs. Just smacks of holier than thou mentality to me. As long as you stick to the same rules everyone else has to play by, you're good in my books! Our salmon numbers are getting weaker every year unfortunately. Not from over fishing, but from a variety of other factors including a major corporation licensed by the province cutting down every salable tree without much respect for watercourse buffer zones. The result is that the waterway gradually fills with silt runoff, raising water temps. This is not good for cold water species like salmonids. I fear the days when the Miramichi river was known as an Atlantic salmon mecca are numbered. I'm just grateful that we have other large gamefish species who's numbers are on the rise in different river systems in the province.I couldn't care less, I really get a kick out of the "catch and release" sticker crowd, as if they are so kind to the fish. I've often told people just how stupid it is, and used deer "fishing" as an example. Imagine having a pole with a nice hook(we'll make it barbless for the real critics) on it and some corn, along comes a deer and grabs it, off to the races it goes, and after a nice fight and it hitting a few trees I tackle it and pull the hook out, then after getting my pic with it I let it go. Yeah, it sounds so nice when you say it.
Yep, they're all gonna die anyway, line them, outright snag them, piss them off with a spoon in the morning, don't matter to me, just don't do any of them right next to me or in the spot I'm fishing, that's just bad edict.
Yeah, I'm gonna try to get out with a buddy and do some steelhead steelheading this fall, always nice having them slam a fly after catching a bunch of big nasty salmon. But, early season silver bullets, ain't much like them here in Michigan.
I've fished the Muskegon a few times with Greg Knapp, and highly recommend him. I've also fished the Grand with him, but the Muskegon is a much better stretch of water. Have you ever fished with a centerpin?Exactly what I did, except I kept way less. I was just telling a buddy who was over today, if you're in the water at the 6th ST dam in GR at the right time in the spring that you will go thru a hundred hooks in a day, and that you'll "land"(sometimes I never went in depending on the water height) more fish than most people have landed in a whole yr(except panfish).
I had 4 buddies(my roommate was one of them), and we chased the salmon from the Boardman to the St Joe, then hit the steelies until the water froze over, then we'd take every opportunity the weather gave us to hit them again in the winter.
I haven't done much fishing in the last 25yrs, but it's one of the things higher on the list, hence why I made sure to make it out even though I have a ton of other things calling for my attention. I talked to my buddy about getting a guide on the muskegon with a jet boat to take he and I along with our boys. I also talked to him about heading to the little Manistee river for the November 15th opening of steelhead. We'll see how the weather is and how hard core he thinks he is lol.
There is a solid Atlantic Salmon fishery near me on the St. Mary's River and a growing fishery on the Ausable. These are 100% stocked fisheries with very little chance of natural reproduction. I have caught them offshore trolling for kings and in our local river system while fishing steelhead and they are a blast to catch, but impossible to target.Agreed on the C&R only folk, and I will add fly only snobs. Just smacks of holier than thou mentality to me. As long as you stick to the same rules everyone else has to play by, you're good in my books! Our salmon numbers are getting weaker every year unfortunately. Not from over fishing, but from a variety of other factors including a major corporation licensed by the province cutting down every salable tree without much respect for watercourse buffer zones. The result is that the waterway gradually fills with silt runoff, raising water temps. This is not good for cold water species like salmonids. I fear the days when the Miramichi river was known as an Atlantic salmon mecca are numbered. I'm just grateful that we have other large gamefish species who's numbers are on the rise in different river systems in the province.
I've always been of the opinion if a man if gathering to feed his family, I couldn't care less how it happened. Now being greedy, gathering to sell, horn hunting etc. that's another story.No judgment long as they're hooked in the face I don't care. They head up the rivers to die anyway. I've caught plenty of salmon in the rivers on crankbaits. Just have to hang that bait in front of the redd long enough and they'll get territorial and smash it.
It's always a hoot to hook into a pretty fresh 20 lb king in skinny water!
Yeah, the muskegon is much nicer. Big bummer is the shallow spots can suck(really need a jet), and it's a gnarly wind tunnel, which can mess you up in various ways. The other thing that I dislike about the muskegon, it all the zebra mussels, although it does seem to be getting better now. No, center pin was just getting popular when I was hitting it hard, as was all the large arbor reels. There was a guy not far from where I live who was turning some real nice center pin setups, but for the cash and what we were typically doing I didn't see the need. My roommate had a jet 21'(iirc), nice drift boat, all sage rods and large arbor reels, I could use any of it I needed/wanted when we were on the river together, but I preferred the feel of my g-loomis rod so I usually just ran that. Unfortunately he's doing the same thing as your old @GrizG roommateI've fished the Muskegon a few times with Greg Knapp, and highly recommend him. I've also fished the Grand with him, but the Muskegon is a much better stretch of water. Have you ever fished with a centerpin?
I haven't been out with him since 2018, and I believe he was at $400 for a full day back then. It ain't cheap, but you only go around once.Yeah, the muskegon is much nicer. Big bummer is the shallow spots can suck(really need a jet), and it's a gnarly wind tunnel, which can mess you up in various ways. The other thing that I dislike about the muskegon, it all the zebra mussels, although it does seem to be getting better now. No, center pin was just getting popular when I was hitting it hard, as was all the large arbor reels. There was a guy not far from where I live who was turning some real nice center pin setups, but for the cash and what we were typically doing I didn't see the need. My roommate had a jet 21'(iirc), nice drift boat, all sage rods and large arbor reels, I could use any of it I needed/wanted when we were on the river together, but I preferred the feel of my g-loomis rod so I usually just ran that. Unfortunately he's doing the same thing as your old @GrizG roommate, so we probably won't be doing any fishing together.
I looked greg up, the name sounds familiar, but I don't think I know him. Looks like he does a great job out there, but if his prices are the norm, I won't be getting into anyone's boat. Maybe my buddy will buy a nice one, then again, he'd probably want to store it in my barn lol.
Anybody that's fished in the last 40 years owes Gary Loomis a debt of gratitude. Even the cheapest $20 Wal-Mart rods are descendants of his hard work and innovation."I preferred the feel of my g-loomis rod so I usually just ran that......"
Loomis rods are about as good as it gets for fishing the northwest!