Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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If I had a metal scrap yard near me like you do, My garage would be full (more fuller) lol.
He's lucky to have a scrap yard that lets you take stuff back out. There's only one that's close you can do that anymore. Another huge one that's more of an industrial junk yard then a scrap metal yard about 2 ish hours away. Everyone else acts like a one way street, what goes in doesn't come back out. I sure miss the old days before CSR bought most the yards out.
Can't remrmber if I told you guys, but I broke down and bought a new cylinder for the splitter. The leak, became worse and worse the more I split Sunday afternoon. Which I guess I knew would happen, but hopped it would hold out till summer.
Got a ruggedmade 5"x24" stroke 3.5" rod. $580.00. Bit more then I wanted to spend, but I'll use this cylinder on the new splitter. Curious how much the larger rod will speed up cycle time. Not that I need it any faster. It's fast enough that I can work at a comfortable pace by myself, only becomes an "issue" if I have help. Which is seldom.
Should have it tomorrow. I think the only thing I'll need to do to adapt it is get a larger pace of tubing to weld on the push plate. Everything else should swap over/bolt up.
He's lucky to have a scrap yard that lets you take stuff back out.
Yep, and I am extremely thankful for it. The one I used to go to 20ish years ago (still my favorite) sold out to Padnos and now you can't go in the yard. :cry: The one I go to now is not as big, but it's 5 miles instead of 20... so there's that.
He's lucky to have a scrap yard that lets you take stuff back out. There's only one that's close you can do that anymore. Another huge one that's more of an industrial junk yard then a scrap metal yard about 2 ish hours away. Everyone else acts like a one way street, what goes in doesn't come back out. I sure miss the old days before CSR bought most the yards out.
There are still a couple of yards near me that let you buy their lead scrap for 1/2 the price you can get it online or less. They are dwindling fast, though. One place got the brass from a couple of gun ranges and used to let me sort the barrel for the good ones I wanted and sold them for, idk, a penny each but they finally stopped due to insurance or something.
Oh, if you only knew...

Got these a week ago for $15 - wife has talked about getting a set for a while (actually picked up 2 sets, 1 to keep and 1 to flip.) I could, and sometimes do, go there every day. I have major FOMO if I don't. LOL
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Very nice. I got a metal set thats rectangular with the chairs at the boy scouts metal drive. I scrounge through and take what I want, then bring down a bunch of short steel from my piles to replace it and add a good bit more as payment lol.
There are still a couple of yards near me that let you buy their lead scrap for 1/2 the price you can get it online or less. They are dwindling fast, though. One place got the brass from a couple of gun ranges and used to let me sort the barrel for the good ones I wanted and sold them for, idk, a penny each but they finally stopped due to insurance or something.
BIL does that with brass, he's got 10s of thousands of rounds he's loaded on his progressive setup filling 5 gallon buckets 😆. Yrs ago I posted picks here(iirc) of his basement, half was full of bags of coal, he bought a whole semi load. He's down to just a couple yrs left, but said he's prepared to buy another if the prices come down again.
Went to my BIL's yesterday to "till his garden", turned into a grading job :oops:.
The reason some of it needed grading is he just bought a semi load of coal and drove on some of the yard with a skytrack to get it to the chute.
Figured you guys would enjoy the picture of 40,000 lbs of coal in his basement. He said he wants to get two more lol, no time for scrounging wood as he's only getting 2 days off a month.

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Here's the garden.

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Found the post.
If you drop stuff at the scrap pile here I have never had any issue rummaging through the pile or grabing things from the small bin. One time I pilfered about 25 saw chains, most of which were dulled once and still had 90 percent plus life.

The main county dump 30 miles away is ran like a prison yard. No scrounging there lol