Sell roundwood?

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If your selling SPLIT seasoned firewood it needs to be SPLIT. Not round wood.
Now if your selling seasoned firewood rounds are ok, NEVER mentioned it was SPLIT.

My dad sold wood back in the 70's and had someone complain about getting some round wood, so after that everything went through the splitter.
I cut all my wood so you can pick it up with one hand, if you can't then it gets split.................454
If your selling SPLIT seasoned firewood it needs to be SPLIT. Not round wood.
Now if your selling seasoned firewood rounds are ok, NEVER mentioned it was SPLIT.

My dad sold wood back in the 70's and had someone complain about getting some round wood, so after that everything went through the splitter.
I cut all my wood so you can pick it up with one hand, if you can't then it gets split.................454

I think when you get to the level, that EVERY piece of wood HAS to be split, your getting too nit picky. If a customer is going to reject a load of wood that contains less than 30% roundwood, I say they then get charged a price for "premium" wood. I am NOT going to wast good limb and trunk wood. When your buying firewood in a bulk (like a pickup load or bigger) then it is bought to HEAT a space with. Not for looking pretty.

If you want "pretty" wood, I can package campfire wood that cost a bunch more to purchase.

If a customer rejected a load for a little roundwood mixed in the load, and they didn't state that they would not accept it before, I may well never deliver to that person again. IF I did, it would cost them a higher price, and specifics would be hashed before I ever loaded the trailer to deliver.

I don't know about the rest of you guys, but cutting firewood is a side deal. I am not spending all my free time haggeling over trivial stuff. "You want wood? My price is X delivered." Pretty simple deal in my opinion.
Doesn't matter if the load is all rounds or mixed, if the customer did not specify the he/she wanted all split wood, tough. don't unload it, don't discount the price. See if you can sell it to someone else since it is already loaded. Some people :censored: and moan about things just to :censored: and moan about something. They don't like it, let 'em either cut their own wood to their own specifications, or let someone else have that headache "customer"!

If they still want you to deliever them an all split load, charge double for the load, and charge double for delivery, and tell them that up front before you bring back a load of all split wood. Again, this is if they do not specify that they want all split when placing an order.