Sellers What will your wood bring this year

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actually a thrown cord has averaged out to being 185 cubic feet or 9-10 standard 60" Bobcat 753 bucket fulls

What are you selling asd a cord. I sell 3 ranks of 16" wood. Are you selling 2 4x8 stacks of 18" wood? That is what most people around here sell as a cord.

Most around here sell it by a rank or face cord I was selling it for $65 for a 2'x4'x16" face cord delivered and dumped with a 2 face cord minimum for free delivery last winter about the average here.All good hardwood maple,ash,beech etc.
I get $85 for a full size pickup box (8 foot box) full --slightly heaped up-- thrown in ---picked up at my place
Right now I am trying to move a big pile of black walnut, and its going for 65 a load (4x8x16"). This fall I will be selling red oak at 75 a load. Those prices are for drop and go.And if I travel more than 3o-35 miles I will charge another 10-15. If customers pick it up them selfs i will knock 10 bucks of.
Right now I am trying to move a big pile of black walnut, and its going for 65 a load (4x8x16"). This fall I will be selling red oak at 75 a load. Those prices are for drop and go.And if I travel more than 3o-35 miles I will charge another 10-15. If customers pick it up them selfs i will knock 10 bucks of.

what part of Michigan? for $150 a cord I wouldnt mind driving up there and getting a cord or 2... I love black walnut
Wow... wood is bringing more in some places than I would have imagined.

Yup, I have been suprised too. I am going to run a separate add with a separate phone line. Something like:

Primo Red Oak heart wood only, no bugs, no disease, no bark, no sapwood. Almost to pretty to burn. Split small, seasoned two years.

And so on. The price is going to be the same per cubic foot price the grocery store gets for those little 0.72 bundles, currently $5.99 per cf, only I will dump it in your driveway.

Minimum 1/8 cord for delivery, so 4x4 stack of 12" pieces = $96 delivered.

Won't take much action to make it worthwhile.


EDIT: DOH! The grocery store charges $5.99 for 0.72cf. That is closer to $8 per cubic foot, so $8 x 16cf = $128 for 1/8 cord dumped not stacked.
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My buddy will be charging 150 per cord this year for seasoned and split red oak. Customer pick up. Guy at the bar insisted he would deliver oak for 75 but I got him to admit that was a face cord.
How much planning on getting for your firewood this year. I know the price is vastly different from state to state. Just wondering what everyone is going to be getting. My add will go in the paper this year for $95 a rank. That is 4'x8'x16" I keep most of my repeat customers at their original price. I have a few at $80 a lot at $85 and a lot at $90. I give a $10 break for the second rank of wood. About 30 percent of the people get 2 ranks. A few get 3. That price is delivered and stack. I DON"T cross stack any wood. It is a very tight and solid stack. There are a lot of rip off artists around here who cross stack the entire stack(so it can stay dry) that is what they tell the people. There are a lot of people around here who get over 100 a rank. most expensive I saw last year was $130


40 miles out side of philly guys are getting any where from 125 175 delivered. My boss sells it just to deal with the wood he cant find another home for. Not much profit in it . By the time your done with it youve had at least 2 guys touch it at least 3 times. I trie to stay away from it. I trie to give it away. but as last resort you sometimes have to take it. I have met alot of tree customers through selling firewood though.
what part of Michigan? for $150 a cord I wouldnt mind driving up there and getting a cord or 2... I love black walnut

I am only about 30 minutes from toledo. take 23 south m-50 west to a little town called ridgeway, its right on m-50, south side, big green house can,t miss the big piles of wood out back.
I get $45.00 a cord delivered to the wood lot in 16' length's, that's for Pine, and Fir.
What little I'll sell ready to burn this winter I'll get $120.00 a cord (128 cu. ft.)
I've got about 12 or 15 cords of Juniper right now (our primo wood around here) that would bring $200.00 a cord, but I haven't decided whether to sell it, or burn it.

While splitting today and stacking it in the wood shed I had a thought. I burned around 6 cord and saved $400 in propane last year. I could sell that 6 cord for $900 and burn the $400 worth of propane for a profit of $500 and no fires to build, wood to bring in the house, ect. I must be nuts to burn the wood. Anyone else figure this out?
last year I burned 4 1/2 cords and saved well over 1300 on propane from the previous year so for me the profit is still on the burn side of the equation. My friend who I helped get his fire pile stocked last year said he burned close to 6 cords but only spent 500 total for propane for last winter compared to 2200 the year before we insulated the house and installed the wood burner so no telling which one helped more but that combo seems to be a real pad to the pocketbook here in rural ohio.
The only thing we have had on propane in the last 20 years is the water heater, and clothes dryer. all heat has been wood. Oh yea, I forgot the cook stove.
This last winter we moved into another house (remodeling ours), with propane heat and a pellet stove. We used about 900.00 in propane, and I don't want to think about what I spent on pellet's.
I plumed in for propane heat in our house, but I'm not sure I want to hook anything up anymore.

While splitting today and stacking it in the wood shed I had a thought. I burned around 6 cord and saved $400 in propane last year. I could sell that 6 cord for $900 and burn the $400 worth of propane for a profit of $500 and no fires to build, wood to bring in the house, ect. I must be nuts to burn the wood. Anyone else figure this out?

you must be buying propane a hell of a lot cheaper then I am, I am at $2.19 a gallon locked in for 2007/2008 comitted to just the 300 gallon min to get that price although I doubt I will use 100 gallons to heat the shop this year
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