Shindaiwa 446S Score

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ArboristSite Operative
Apr 10, 2012
Reaction score
Charleston, SC
I just aquired a Shinny 446 from CL. Yesterday I posted about it on an old thread concerning a muffler mod for this model, and was told that the saw didn't technically exist if there weren't any photos to actually prove it. Therefore I'd like to offer the following evidence of on my $80 investment.
Shinny 1.JPG Shinny 2.JPG
The saw was being sold by a guy that got it from his father, and didn't use it or even really know how. It was a homeowner saw that supposedly hadn't seen a lot of use, but sat for a while and he couldn't get it running, didn't know how to fix it or even want to try, and was selling it for $100 to anyone who could use it. It sat on CL for 12 days without any offers, and since I heard they were good saws, some say the equal of a 260, I thought it was worth the risk. When I went to check it out I didn't even try to start it, just did a compression test which was an impressive 170, and since he hadn't had any offers he was happy to take $80. When I got it home I drained the gas and replaced with new, pulled the cord a few times, and it fired right up! I don't know why he couldn't start it, probably didn't know to let up on the choke after the first pop.

I haven't had the chance yet to really put it through it's paces, but it won't be long since I have a dead 25' tree in my yard that needs to be delt with. I really like the feel of the weight and balance, which from what I've read is one of the saws' strong points. Unless there's some hidden Gremlin that hasn't reared it's ugly head yet, I know I got pretty lucky.

A couple background questions for the few Shinney fans out there: when was this model made; was it before, during, or after the 488; and how does it compare to the similar sized 488?

Nice looking saw - I don't know anything about it. However, that looks like Oregon 33SL chain. If it is then ditch it and get a loop of 20BPX, which should be available locally.
Very nice find, I almost picked up one of these off CL a while back but went with a 350 instead which is not running ATM. Maybe should have gone with the more reliable Shinny!!! HP output is claimed to be close to a 260 but I don't think build quality would be on the same level. 260s have very good reputations from what I've heard, one or the best 50cc class saws Stihl made.

Your 446 looks clean as a whistle, and you paid $100 less than what the listing I saw was asking. Great score.
Made after the 488. They made a 490 after the 488 which was supposed to be comparable in performance. I would suspect the 446 to be a bit less power but I'm not positive on this.
BTW, that is a great buy.
I once grabbed a 345 off Craigslist that had never been fueled for $70 but I think you may have done one better with this one.
Good luck with the saw.
Shindaiwa build quality is not less than a 260... Unless this model is different as I've never owned 446.

My shinnys are more stout than most orange saws.
You made a heck of a buy! Never ran a 446, but have been clear thru just about every other Shindaiwa saw ever made. As a brand, they are built extremely well and are reliable as a quartz watch. I bet the muffler mod will really wake that saw up.

The 488 was made for many years and evolved into the 490.
I own a 446s and Stihl 026. The Shin is its equal or better in build quality. Its probably more fair to compare it to the 024. Giving up a couple cc's to the 026 shows in bigger wood.

In terms of piss revving, throttle blipping limbing work; its one of my favorites and I'd say its in 346xp territory.

My only complaint is the somewhat flimsy feeling rear handle.

For $80, you stole that thing. You suck.
For $80, you stole that thing. You suck

Yeah, I got very lucky. I thought I'd have to at least replace the fuel line and maybe rebuild or replace the carb, but so far so good.

By the way, does anybody know what the "s" in 446s stands for?
yea the S in 446S stands for you Suck !!!!!!

Yeah, I know, but the funny thing is this saw sat on CL for almost 2 weeks with no interest. This had to be due with it being a Shindaiwa that most people either don't know about or trust, if it was a homeowner Stihl or Husky, no less a magnesium pro saw, it would have been scooped up in hours. I guess ignorance really can be bliss!
I didn't realize that, was thinking they were similar to the smaller Echos in case design. A true pro-grade saw for $80, I think you done good.
Still have a few bugs to work out (I hope fresh fuel and a tune-up takes care of most of it) but I'm pretty happy. Can't wait to dive into some cutting.
Still have a few bugs to work out (I hope fresh fuel and a tune-up takes care of most of it) but I'm pretty happy. Can't wait to dive into some cutting.
And that chain - 33SL is awful stuff.

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