well, not to be outdone in the world of
[toot! - toot!!] show us your brag load... here is my weekend brag load! on wheels, too i mite add, pun intended - 2 wheel wheel barrow... kinda proud of it...
nice pile of split cedar kindling! 10 cu ft wheel barrow is about half full... was about 1/3 full with first batch. 7 - 8 cu ft split cedar kindling! should end up with 6 - 8 or so packed brown paper grocery bags full, which is how I pack it away for dry keeping and easy use access. I augment the cedar with never-run-out pine tree twings (got plenty). think that cedar kindling is hard to beat... lits fast, easy and burns hot. so what do you think? worth of being a brag load?... albeit at the other end of the scale??
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