talk is cheap Simon and youve done your fair share of telling everyone youd win the WS buildoff....4th aint a win. Not that that is important but maybe the saying "people in glass houses shouldnt throw stones" applies to you. In the past you have talked alot and not backed it up. You have finally come to the party here and good for you....Questioning my man hood, based on someone elses involvement in a hobby is pretty weak. You seem to be offended by the high school shop type comments, is that because you did the hard yards at Uni becoming a Mech. Engineer??? becasue you sure havent let is forgot that you are a Mech Engineer!!!! As fas as that goes I know a couple of guys that could make you look real dumb,real quick in the Mech. Eng. world and all they have is high school education, so get over yourself. You build saws, you havent bent light.
DC is DC, like it or not, he knows what he is talking about when it comes to saws, be it running them in work or race, building them in work or race and more about chains than most of us put together.....does it bother you that some people may have a better grasp at this that a Uni eductaed Mech Eng???
but hey what would I know, Im just a wood butcher with sand between my toes and saltwater up my nose....that would be happy to have the high school abilites of the talented few