Paleostoveologist & Sawwhisperer
Good old cedar for me. I get one pickup load a year. Buck it and split it into slabs. The slabs then can knocked with a small axe or just rip off a few wheelbarrow full on the splitter.
Every morning, it's 4 pages of rolled newsprint, 4 sticks of the cedar crosshatched, bingo. Almost as soon as it's lit I can toss a couple splits of maple or birch on top and she off too the races. I keep a pail of the kindling in back of the stove so it's plenty dry and light as balsa nearly.
The old timers around here used kerosene in a squirt ketchup bottle!
Every morning, it's 4 pages of rolled newsprint, 4 sticks of the cedar crosshatched, bingo. Almost as soon as it's lit I can toss a couple splits of maple or birch on top and she off too the races. I keep a pail of the kindling in back of the stove so it's plenty dry and light as balsa nearly.
The old timers around here used kerosene in a squirt ketchup bottle!