If you smoke, or use any other tobacco product, you're stupid. It's just that simple, sorry. I work with a tobacco addict. I regularly chide him when he lights up, but he still smokes when I'm up in the trees. Even there, I can smell that crap! Watching my old man die of lung cancer was no fun, to put it mildly. It's a POS death. I used to tell him when I was a little kid, "Dad, that will kill you one of these days!" to which he'd reply, "We all gotta go some way!" Yeah, real smart. He quit after forty-seven years of three packs a day, but he still got hit, twenty-two years later, first with emphysema, then cancer. He died at 85, and if he hadn't smoked, he would still be going strong right into the triple digits, no doubt about it. He was clear as a bell, mentally, right up to the day he died.