smoking climbers?

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smoking climbers

  • cigaretts

    Votes: 24 22.6%
  • dip/snuff/chew

    Votes: 9 8.5%
  • smoke and dip/chew

    Votes: 8 7.5%
  • none

    Votes: 65 61.3%

  • Total voters
JohN Dee said:
I don't smoke, take drugs or drink. I see climbing just like athletics, the stronger/fitter you are the more you can do and the faster, with the added fact of a clear mind whilst' in the tree. My mother used to smoke and my sisters do still smoke and it's just not worth the money you waste on em'.

Myself personally would not hire a smoking climber or even groundy for that fact. It's just a preference that I like to have moderately fit/healthy people working with me for better production.

Agree 100 percent.
I just have one request for the non-smokers.........

when in my vicinity.........

please hold yer breath...........

i work damn hard to pay for the air i breathe,so please dont inhale ya darn free loaders.

Thank You,

The Management

:hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:
l2edneck said:
I just have one request for the non-smokers.........

when in my vicinity.........

please hold yer breath...........

i work damn hard to pay for the air i breathe,so please dont inhale ya darn free loaders.

Thank You,

The Management

:hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:

what about us pipe smokers? (and NO, i dont mean weed or crack...i'm talking about pipe tobacco...ts very pleasant to be around)

Chucky said:
You might want to consider adjusting that attitude a bit to reflect reality. There are many who choose to smoke and who are very fit, able, and talented tree workers. On the whole, I agree with you, smokeless people are on average fitter than those who choose to smoke.

But that's the problem with statistics and averages -- they tell NOTHING about the individual.

I happen to know quite a few tree workers who DON'T smoke, and who can't even come close to performing the amount or quality of work as many I know that do happen to smoke.

It's never wise to judge people on a single criterion. Take people as a whole, and judge them that way in order to determine whether they qualify as a potential employeee, or not.

Yes you do have a good point and one that i'm aware of, as I stated it just a preferance of mine. Having been around smokers all my life I don't like breathing in second hand smoke.

Redneck said:
I just have one request for the non-smokers.........

when in my vicinity.........

please hold yer breath...........

i work damn hard to pay for the air i breathe,so please dont inhale ya darn free loaders.

Thank You,

The Management
Thats priceless lmfao.
JohN Dee said:
Yes you do have a good point and one that i'm aware of, as I stated it just a preferance of mine. Having been around smokers all my life I don't like breathing in second hand smoke.

Thats priceless lmfao.

I was just making the point that you may be overlooking some very valuable potential by discriminating against smoking employees.

But if you feel that strongly about it, I think it's completely within your rights to be selective about who you hire based on tobacco use, just as I believe it's completely your right to hire whoever you want for whatever reason you want, regardless of age, sex, race, etc.

Unfortunately, you can't do that anymore in regards to age, sex, and race. Merit means nothing anymore, it's all quotas.
I just stoped smoking in the trees, but after work I'll lite up a cigar and just chill. :cheers:
Chucky said:
I was just making the point that you may be overlooking some very valuable potential by discriminating against smoking employees.

But if you feel that strongly about it, I think it's completely within your rights to be selective about who you hire based on tobacco use, just as I believe it's completely your right to hire whoever you want for whatever reason you want, regardless of age, sex, race, etc.

Unfortunately, you can't do that anymore in regards to age, sex, and race. Merit means nothing anymore, it's all quotas.

As long as they dont burn down the truck let alone the clients tree next to their house. Theres a time a place for everyting.
SRT-Tech said:
What about us pipe smokers? (and NO, i dont mean weed or crack...i'm talking about pipe tobacco...ts very pleasant to be around)

I've never been around a pipe smoker, but once again it comes down to preference and also it'd be unfair to let the pipe smokers in and the cigarette ones out.
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I've heard all of this lame crap from smokers before, and it makes no difference. Smoking is one of the stupidest things one can choose to do. It is proven that it's terrible for your health, in the long run. In the short run it stinks and it bothers non-smokers who inhale the crap when they're around those sucking down their nicotine fix. In my band days, I played with a four pack a day guy. He got fidgety onstage and kept checking his watch to see when our next break was so he could rush out and light up. He's now 54, and has had two heart attacks. I've heard that he still smokes. Poor loser.

FWIW, the fact that my Dad lived to be 85 makes no case for smoking. There are three centenarians in our near-past lineage, and I have no doubt that my old man would have hit 100, no problem, had he never smoked.

Yeah, if you smoke you're stupid. Accept that fact. When you lie on your death bed, hooked up to a ventilator that helps you gasp for breath, as you look back on your life and think how you might have accomplished a bit, or maybe a lot, more, then you can meditate on just how smart you were to ever start smoking. Good luck!
Well would you pay me or any other smoker to not smoke?

Well I am sure your are cursing me right now in saying you wouldn't. But if all of smokers stopped you would be paying. The taxes on cigarettes pay for a lot of things including school funding. Yep thats right, I have to pay so your bratty little kid can go to school. But I am not complaining cause I could care less what they do with the money. Just putting it in a different light. Maybe you should be thanking us instead.
not to sound caloused, but what difference does it make anyway?
its a choice, a personal one and not your place to make it for me. call me whatever name you feel like, why should I care?

The thing is, if you go to the doctor for something, they ask if you smoke, say yes and the exam is over. smoking is your problem. say no even though you do, and they will find out whats wrong.
lots of people die before their time from accidents, completely unrelated to tobacco products. if genetically a man could live to 100 and dies at 50 from a car wreck, nothing is said. smoke a few cigs and the blame is all on the cigs. the fact is people make a choice. who cares what you think about their choices? you don't like smoking, fine, don't smoke. its more likely that you, in so called perfect health, will die well before me, the miserable smoker, before I die of any smoking related illnesses. hell, doctors are statistically more deadly than cigs!
like it, don't like it, I dont care. I dont blow smoke in other ppl's faces. if you actually believe that my smoke exhaled into the open atmosphere is deadly to your breathing oxygen, then you will probably believe anything. I can see in a closed bar or whatnot, but lets face it, nearly every public establishment in america is smoke free anyway, so its a moot point.
begleytree said:
I can see in a closed bar or whatnot, but lets face it, nearly every public establishment in america is smoke free anyway, so its a moot point.

Well said. Both indoor and outdoor here, where in some towns you cannot even smoke while walking down the street.
begleytree said:
its more likely that you, in so called perfect health, will die well before me, the miserable smoker, before I die of any smoking related illnesses.-Ralph

Huh? Man, what are you smoking now? Surely you're not so stupid as to think that statistics show smokers to be healthier than non-smokers! I only bring up stats as you say, "its more likely--" What the heck are you basing that goofy assertion on? Why would it be more likely? Clear me up on that, OK? I'm vegan, 150 lbs., 144 total cholesterol, 108 trgs, 8% body fat. Maybe you're a lot younger than me, so I'll concede that I may kick off before you. If you're anywhere near my age, 54, then you do not know what you're talking about, if you go by probabilities and health stats.

Listen, I have always liked because there are not a bunch of pissing contests on here like there are on other sites. I realize we are getting into such a contest and so this will be my last post in this thread. You want to have the last word---be my guest! Smoking is an incredibly stupid thing to do, but, again, be my guest! It's a (reasonably) free country.
all I'm saying is theres a better chace of dying in an accident, than from smoking.
What am I smoking? a cig, taking deep breaths of wonderful smoke and exhaling your way, bro.
this thread is like the climbing method poll, whereas the ones griping aren't really in a majority. this poll shows an overall 60/40 split.
but who cares? Don't try to command me, and I will do the same for you.
-Ralph :cheers:
Sunrise Guy said:
Yeah, if you smoke you're stupid. Accept that fact. When you lie on your death bed, hooked up to a ventilator that helps you gasp for breath, as you look back on your life and think how you might have accomplished a bit, or maybe a lot, more, then you can meditate on just how smart you were to ever start smoking. Good luck!

I think Ralph has a point. You seem to have a lot of unhealthful, pent-up stress.

Eat a nice juicy steak, and have a relaxing smoke afterword. It will do your bitter, arrogant, and self-righteous body good.
GROAN!!!! between this thread and the "torque" thread over in "chainsaw"... yipppy dooo daaa dey!!!

TO THE BAR!~ :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
Chucky said:
I think Ralph has a point. You seem to have a lot of unhealthful, pent-up stress.

Eat a nice juicy steak, and have a relaxing smoke afterword. It will do your bitter, arrogant, and self-righteous body good.

Get'em Chucky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:clap:
Oh yeah, GREAT POST!!!!!!!!!!!!
Climb020 said:
Well said. Both indoor and outdoor here, where in some towns you cannot even smoke while walking down the street.

Like that here fact the only place you are going to be able to smoke is inside a private detached home or in a private car, as most landlords are insisting on non smoker tenants as well; they do not light places on fire, the carpets/floors are not all burned to crap and the place does not smell like a dirty ashtray.

Person I worked with got really pissed off when I told him I could not ride in his truck while he smoked. Why get angry at me, smoking in the workplace is verboten and that includes vehicles en route to the job. On the other hand another would not let anyone smoke during work hours even outside.

People that do smoke heavily and manage to survive into their late 60s and onwards do not have a very high quality of life IMHO. In any event most are dead or dying by then, like my deceased smoking relatives, both died of heart related diseases, one at 58, the other at 60, while the rest of their in-laws and siblings, most of whom were smart enough to quit in their 30s (the rest never smoked) are still going strong into their late 70s.
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Jumper said:
Like that here fact the only place you are going to be able to smoke is inside a private detached home or in a private car,

Do believe I remember that they where gonna not allowing smoking in a car that has kids in it. Truthfully I can't wait to quit. Don't really see benift from it and now with a fresh coat of paint, going outside really sucks in the winter.