Yeah, I saw that, Dan, and I also saw Jim Lehrer sit there, with this most amazing look of incredulity look on his face the entire length of the 10-minute interview he had with the surgeon general as he made the wildest, most fantastical claims and assertions anyone could ever imagine from a supposed man of science and medicine.
It was so obvious from listening to the surgeon general’s responses to Lehrer’s questions that he’s nothing but a shill for the agenda-driven anti-tobacco crusaders. The only thing worse than an anti-tobacco crusader is a government-sponsored anti-tobacco crusader.
This guy actually said that secondhand smoke will kill you. He didn’t say that prolonged exposure to secondhand smoke will probably increase the risk of smoking-related diseases, which is much closer to the truth. He just came out with all these bold, unsubstantiated assertions that secondhand smoke kills. That’s pure, alarmist, propagandist codswallop.
And what scientific studies did he cite to back his outlandish claims? None. We’re just supposed to trust him because we’re just a bunch of sheep in the flock. Well, there are in fact many studies that both do and do not show a statistically significant correlation between secondhand smoke and smoking-related diseases. And there are also a number of meta-analyses (compilations of several studies) that do not significantly show a correlation at all.
Sorry, but it’s well known that the government, when it wants to take a position on something it doesn’t like -- oh, and I think the EPA is part of the government, ain’t it? – it has a habit of cherry picking studies to support its spurious claims. “Science,” when steeped in ideology and politics ain’t science at all – it’s propaganda.
So, what’s next for the alarmist nannies after tobacco is banned? Alcohol, I suppose. Then junk food. Hmmm, come to think of it, sex is risky too.