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i have to chime in here.
Ive been a smoker for over half of my life, yes i know its bad and i know i should quit and someday(hopefully soon) i will quit once and for all.
As far as smoking on the jobsite, my view is this, if you can smoke and still do your job, fine smoke away. However, I agree with Greg, there are no smoke breaks allowed, if you happen to be breaking for any other resaon smoking during that break is acceptable, but no down time just so you can smoke. I also agree that it does not look real professional to smoke while on someones property. I try to limit my smoking especially if my client is around I will not smoke directly in front of them (common courtesy) . I do smoke while climbing and I feel it does not slow me down a bit. Typically there is usually a minute or two of down time in which I can get one lit and procced to work. I know it is a nasty habit and leaving butts in someones yard is bad practice. I allow smoking on site if it is done in a respectful manner. No butts are EVER thrown to the ground on my crew, put them in your pocket, a pop can or whatevr, but not on my clients property. Heck I wont throw a butt in my own yard, why would i allow in my clients?
This subject makes me laugh a bit because in our local TCC i am about the only smoker who can keep up with non-smokers (determined I guess), I have heard that more than once,people would joke about me puffing down a pack while being sequestered waiting for my turn in the masters ( i always seem to go last). I am also about the only guy who is about to keel over after the MC because i cannot breath from racing through the tree.
R Murphy-I agree i would probably be better climber if i didnt smoke, but I can hold my own with non-smokers (climbers) and have proven it time and time again. To say you can not take them seriously is your problem, without tooting my own horn I will say that i am one of the top 5 or 10 climbers in my state and i can name a dozen of my peers in our area who would agree with me. Maybe start looking past that and judge someone by ther ability and not by their appearance.

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