Snake ID Please

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We have something similar here. I found this guy under a piece of wood.


Eastern worm snake?

No, I live in California. I'm almost certain it's a Western Black-headed Snake. If you hit the link below, you'll see its range. I'm just south of San Francisco bay and on the eastern slope of the Santa Cruz Mountains.

We actually have a lot of different kinds of snakes, lizards, skinks, etc around here. By far, I see more Northern Pacific Rattlesnakes and California King Snakes than any other snake.
Bill G is a well-known snake killer, and has been largely renounced in this thread.

You were saying?
Thank you for your ignorance and prejudice.
Bill , if you don't like the danger of snakes being around the king snake might be the best solution. King snakes almost exclusively eat venomous snakes! and rodents.
Snakes also don't carry rabies or plague, rodents are are a real problem for farmers.
From all your posts I would never have guessed you had ophidiophobia. I understand, some folks just can't stand 'em.
you are a complete and ignorant fool
There's no reason to insult Bill, it's like chastising someone for claustrophobia.
Are you kidding????
What value do humans have in nature, Bill?

Maybe we should all be eradicated!
(Actually, I'm okay with that, as long as it's every last one of our subspecies.)
You claimed to want to have a debate on their value in nature, see below.
I think you understand they play a role in the balance of life just the same as most any other mammal/reptile/bird does in nature.
At the least you haven't made a single point supporting your position.
It's OK to just admit you are afraid of them. Most people are. No shame in that.
The same could be said for any species Bill. This is not the context of what you said - you are bending the goal posts.

You said.
I named a few examples post #33. There are many others that you can learn from from credible sources, if you are interested, which obviously you are not.

Carry on. I know you have to have the last word.
You are in the extreme with this . We were talking in general I tend not to kill spiders in my home I do clean cob webs though . I don’t kill rodents outside inside they are fair game . I’ve taken snakes out of my basement a number of times and let them go in the grass . Every pest you listed serves a purpose . I have bats in my barn they eat flying insects
Ever have rats in your corn crib?
ONE black snake will solve that!
Like I said, you can educate yourself on the matter If you like. Or don't, and continue to make pointless claims on a chainsaw forum until the other guy goes away, and you "win" as you see it.
When something is doing no harm no need to kill them all off as you put it .
Statements are often easiest to make with no point, logic, or rational reasoning. These are generally, but not necessarily, driven by emotion, which is often irrational.
Keep in mind Bill G, that in India, you would probably be run out of town for killing a king cobra. In that part of the world, they revere the benefits provided by the snakes.
That's just plain ignorance, sorry, Bill.🙄
That is correct!! If it weren't for creatures like this we would be overrun by mice and rats etc.!! Most snakes are never seen by us and luckily don't have to worry about some idiot smashing there head in!!
My gosh this thread keeps going on and on.

Yup, some people will get weird about spiders and snakes. With spiders I have no problem The wife goes through the ceiling but she has a problem with bites. We have timber and western rattlers. No, they don't chase us or livestock. They are actually pretty well behaved if I can say that.... We try not to surprise one another. The rattlers clean up a BUNCH of mice and ground squirrels. The bullsnakes clean up the rattlers. It's a natural life cycle. Then the ravens and eagles are pretty good hunters.

We cooperate with the life cycle. We wear thick denims and boots. We have a snake pole for the misbehaving critters and they rarely come back after being relocate 100yds away. We never reach into a spot we can't see.

We all get along. Neither of us two legged folk have ever been bitten. It's not so hard. But some of the neighbors are more diffucult.
My gosh this thread keeps going on and on.

Yup, some people will get weird about spiders and snakes. With spiders I have no problem The wife goes through the ceiling but she has a problem with bites. We have timber and western rattlers. No, they don't chase us or livestock. They are actually pretty well behaved if I can say that.... We try not to surprise one another. The rattlers clean up a BUNCH of mice and ground squirrels. The bullsnakes clean up the rattlers. It's a natural life cycle. Then the ravens and eagles are pretty good hunters.

We cooperate with the life cycle. We wear thick denims and boots. We have a snake pole for the misbehaving critters and they rarely come back after being relocate 100yds away. We never reach into a spot we can't see.

We all get along. Neither of us two legged folk have ever been bitten. It's not so hard. But some of the neighbors are more diffucult.
It’s a fun thread!
We do have cute snakes by comparison, don't we?

One of my favorites:
View attachment 1224153 Ring necked snake.

They get about 12-14 inches long at when mature, and eat tiny bugs and earthworms.

These little guys are completely harmless. They cannot bite you, even if they tried. I've saved many of them from destruction, as they like to hide under boards and logs at the ground level.
The Ringneck snake is a really neat little dude! I haven't seen one in over 50 years but I'm sure they are around here?
Man you have a great and perfect attitude about these critters!
I have unfortunately killed many of them (venomous ones) in defense of myself, my dogs, wife, and my friends during some close calls before. And I’ll do it again if I have to. But as long as they aren’t in my vicinity and they’re minding their own business, I’m perfectly fine with them. In fact I detest people going out of their way to look for them just to kill in masse.
You stupid jerks!!
My gosh... you cringe at a worm or grub too? Not @Sully10 , the person responded to.... All these critters have a place. Apparently because you are higher in the food chain you get to extinguish them? But to say this in public is not good for you. [I'm trying to no be mean again].

Even the grub or worm is valuable. But we like beef.
Two black snakes in the battery box of my Woodmizer sawmill. They are better than ten alley cats for mouse control and much better company. I'd put them on the payroll if I could.
Years ago all of our dozers had the batteries under the seat. The batteries would go away when sitting and we had to jump them. One morning ole Pat takes the seat of a Case crawler to jump it and there was a big ole blackie laying on the batteries. He just reached in his pliers pocket, took out his pliers, and grabbed blackie by the head.

I miss ole Pat
My gosh this thread keeps going on and on.

Yup, some people will get weird about spiders and snakes. With spiders I have no problem The wife goes through the ceiling but she has a problem with bites. We have timber and western rattlers. No, they don't chase us or livestock. They are actually pretty well behaved if I can say that.... We try not to surprise one another. The rattlers clean up a BUNCH of mice and ground squirrels. The bullsnakes clean up the rattlers. It's a natural life cycle. Then the ravens and eagles are pretty good hunters.

We cooperate with the life cycle. We wear thick denims and boots. We have a snake pole for the misbehaving critters and they rarely come back after being relocate 100yds away. We never reach into a spot we can't see.

We all get along. Neither of us two legged folk have ever been bitten. It's not so hard. But some of the neighbors are more diffucult.
Folks have their differing views.
Many years ago my wife and I were watching 10PM TV news and heard the kitty upstairs jumping around in our bedroom.
We just thought he was getting frisky.
She went upstairs to bed after the news and about 10 minutes later I heard her scream.
It turns out the kitty was chasing a bat and after my wife went to bed the bat flew by her.
She was not pleased
I had to deal with it.