Snake ID Please

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So your view is always right?
Not at all. I did, however, point out that your comments had been largely reviled in this thread. You denied it, so I posted the evidence. There are also a few folks in this thread that are firmly in agreement with your policy of killing all snakes. They are not in the majority, however.

Those who differ are wrong.
I did not allege that you were wrong (in my most recent post), I simply showed the evidence. Now if you wish to continue claiming that snakes serve no useful purpose in ecology and they all deserve to be killed, I will state emphatically that notion is repulsive to the vast majority of our society. We have enacted laws to prevent that kind of action, and on that basis, I will clarify for you my opinion: You are wrong to think that way.

I remember you talking about how you abused folks pets as a paid employee entrusted to care for the folks doggies.
How much support did your "view" on that subject get from folks?
I did not at any point talk about any abuse of pets (or any other animals) at any time. I spoke of the difficulties in handling savage dogs, and even posted a video of a public servant doing exactly what I was referring to.

As you well know, many of our members here have conflicts with certain other members. You have your detractors, and I have mine. On this topic, my detractors jumped onto the bandwagon, and mischaracterized my statements as animal abuse.

It was certainly a hailstorm of unpopularity. You should understand how that works, right?
We do have cute snakes by comparison, don't we?

One of my favorites:
View attachment 1224153 Ring necked snake.

They get about 12-14 inches long at when mature, and eat tiny bugs and earthworms.

These little guys are completely harmless. They cannot bite you, even if they tried. I've saved many of them from destruction, as they like to hide under boards and logs at the ground level.

That is cute! Bloody awesome too.
My gosh... you cringe at a worm or grub too? Not @Sully10 , the person responded to.... All these critters have a place. Apparently because you are higher in the food chain you get to extinguish them? But to say this in public is not good for you. [I'm trying to no be mean again].

Even the grub or worm is valuable. But we like beef.
I do not cringe at either.
I address things that are in a location that they should not be in or are not beneficial to the situation.
Not at all. I did, however, point out that your comments had been largely reviled in this thread. You denied it, so I posted the evidence. There are also a few folks in this thread that are firmly in agreement with your policy of killing all snakes. They are not in the majority, however.

I did not allege that you were wrong (in my most recent post), I simply showed the evidence. Now if you wish to continue claiming that snakes serve no useful purpose in ecology and they all deserve to be killed, I will state emphatically that notion is repulsive to the vast majority of our society. We have enacted laws to prevent that kind of action, and on that basis, I will clarify for you my opinion: You are wrong to think that way.

I did not at any point talk about any abuse of pets (or any other animals) at any time. I spoke of the difficulties in handling savage dogs, and even posted a video of a public servant doing exactly what I was referring to.

As you well know, many of our members here have conflicts with certain other members. You have your detractors, and I have mine. On this topic, my detractors jumped onto the bandwagon, and mischaracterized my statements as animal abuse.

It was certainly a hailstorm of unpopularity. You should understand how that works, right?
1. What was the reaction to your despicable comments supporting your abuse of folks pets?
2. What was the result of your defense of your abuse?
3. How many folks agreed with your despicable views?
4. How many folks disagreed with your despicable views?
This is all true and many years ago I saw a video where a King snake attacked a copperhead and was bitten! He continued the fight and killed the copperhead by constriction and ate it!! My thing here is that I've aways liked snakes and when I was 12 or so I caught and collected them! I studied them by reading everything I could find about them!! I turn 81 in January and own a tree farm in Maryland! Someone commented about my calling anyone who killed a snake a jerk!! Well I was responding to the comment by Bill G that the only good snake is a dead one!! The comment I made was exactly how I feel about anyone who feels the way he does!! I'll bet that Bill is a great guy and nice as can be!! He is not by himself and probably raised to hate them just like the farmer I talked about earlier!! Its like a lot of things in our world today and lack of proper education about these creatures is the problem!!
Well, I mean Eve was deceived in the Garden by the Devil in the form of a snake, so I can see where @Bill G is coming from😀. I thought snakes are cool, maybe because when I was 3 I would catch them and feed them to a "pet" owl, or when I was in kindergarten teachers sister came in with a Boa for show and tell, and I was the only kid that would touch it. but I don't know of any insect or reptile or animal that I am afraid of.
Two black snakes in the battery box of my Woodmizer sawmill. They are better than ten alley cats for mouse control and much better company. I'd put them on the payroll if I could.
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We killed one that was on a garden hose we brought into the basement as kids, then told our mom, she said "oh no let me see it", showed her, she said "lets go to the library, I think that is a milk snake", mom and six kids pile in the '89 Astro 5 spd stick shift, (later known as the silver bullet😁) looked up snakes, and got a lesson on the ones should kill and ones leave alone,. And the good they are for mice and rat control, as we had horses, pigs and chickens growing up.
Years ago all of our dozers had the batteries under the seat. The batteries would go away when sitting and we had to jump them. One morning ole Pat takes the seat of a Case crawler to jump it and there was a big ole blackie laying on the batteries. He just reached in his pliers pocket, took out his pliers, and grabbed blackie by the head.

I miss ole Pat
He got what he deserved! Pat that is!
Two black snakes in the battery box of my Woodmizer sawmill. They are better than ten alley cats for mouse control and much better company. I'd put them on the payroll if I could.
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I'd give $20.00 each for those two to turn loose in my feed and hay storage spot!!!

Well, I mean Eve was deceived in the Garden by the Devil in the form of a snake, so I can see where @Bill G is coming from😀. I thought snakes are cool, maybe because when I was 3 I would catch them and feed them to a "pet" owl, or when I was in kindergarten teachers sister came in with a Boa for show and tell, and I was the only kid that would touch it. but I don't know of any insect or reptile or animal that I am afraid of.
"Well, I mean Eve was deceived in the Garden by the Devil in the form of a snake" This is true but you forgot the part about the snake walking upright on two legs. God said never again. You will slither on your belly hence forth. Words to that affect. jmho :cool: OT
"Well, I mean Eve was deceived in the Garden by the Devil in the form of a snake" This is true but you forgot the part about the snake walking upright on two legs. God said never again. You will slither on your belly hence forth. Words to that affect. jmho :cool: OT
Problem is.........He didn't get them all! There are still PLENTY of snakes walking around upright on two legs!

Had one of those giant centipedes crawl right over my bear chest one night while I was asleep at my house at about one in the morning. I felt it get on me and I thought it was just a cricket bug at first. But as I was dozing back off, I just got this unexplained, icy, soulless anxiety wave that hit me and I woke up, turned on the light, and one of those carnivorous nightmares with 50 legs was making his way across the floor. It was about as long as can of OFF bug spray.

I’m a grown man but I did lose about three drops of urine when I screamed. I picked up a combat boot and commenced to beating on him about 30 times before he finally stopped. He wasn’t really dead or injured, he was just stunned. Those things are TOUGH! I got a leather glove on, grabbed a BBQ grilling fork, stuck him in the sink, chopped him into pieces with a Camillus Becker BK2, and then lit the pieces on fire. It was still moving and squirming as it burned. It smelled like an unidentifiable meat, combined with the smell of dirty socks burning.

I moved out of that house for a good 3 months after that. I would visit the place, only to bug bomb it once a month before I moved back in.

So I made a poem in memory of that horrid night….


The centipede crawls.
Up the walls.
Down the halls.
Out of bathroom drains
Into shower stalls.
Check your shorts.
He’s on your balls.
His crawl strikes horror…into us all.
Thank god they die at the end of fall.
So then you mean you did not just simply relocate one of God's creatures to a suitable environment for him to live a long and fruitful life? :)
Well, I mean Eve was deceived in the Garden by the Devil in the form of a snake, so I can see where @Bill G is coming from😀. I thought snakes are cool, maybe because when I was 3 I would catch them and feed them to a "pet" owl, or when I was in kindergarten teachers sister came in with a Boa for show and tell, and I was the only kid that would touch it. but I don't know of any insect or reptile or animal that I am afraid of.
The religious aspect is a different point of conversation. Many years ago our vet was here castrating pigs. When we finished and came out of the hog building there was a big black snake in the road. Dad was preparing to go dispatch it and our vet objected. He took a shovel and moved it out of the road so it would not get ran over. Now some would think he did so because he was a vet and was in favor of seeing all creatures live. That was not the case. He was a very devout religious man. He actually left the veterinary practice he was working for to enter the priesthood. He later returned to be a on-call farm vet only. He just helped a few select folks. He talked about the religious aspects of the serpent and how it has been around since the beginning of time.

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