Lol, I suffer from the same curse 041s!
My old combo was the 009 L and an 044 Mag. I sold the 044 years ago and as of a month ago, I decide it's time to get back in the game. I was thinking the 261 cm for medium work and a 461 for the large stuff, with the idea of dabbling in some milling down the road. After watching several vid's (This is when the "curse" raises its ugly head) I come to the conclusion that the 461 isn't quite enough for milling.
Down the rabbit hole I go. The 661cm must be the the answer...Right? You see, my brain doen't allow me to just change the large saw...Now I must revise my entire combo. Up until this thread, I was locked on a 362cm paired up with 661cm, and when the old trusty 009L wears out...The 241cm to complete the trifecta. Viola!
So yea Mr Snellng...thanks for nothing!
Back to the drawing board,