Treeseer, Mike, Tom etc. I would like to clarify a couple of points. The first is the fact, that despite your asumptions I really do like most trees, all conifers and most deciduos. The second is the term "tree hugger". My definition of a tree hugger is a person who values trees above all else based on emotions. To them trees come before human safety, financial interests such as employment, damage of property, and interuption of service, such as phone or electricity. They are content to see those in the logging industry lose their jobs, willing to risk dangerous trees falling onto and killing people in cars or parks. They are willing to have their light and phone service disrupted often. They equate trees with humans which is crazy, trees are here for us to use and enjoy. When they have reached the end of their usefullness, have become dangerous or have to go for any other good reason-cut them down. Further more, while I am just a line clearance hack to you people I know what undesirable trees are, I cut them down all the time.