Good work, but the rounds look more like hackberry.
Definitely not hackberry. Definitely oak.
Nice buck in your avatar Sawyer Rob. Good on you for helping your neighbor, putting a little money in your pocket, and making those boys work a little.
Good work, but the rounds look more like hackberry.
A lady that I know that heats with wood, calls me.....She asks: "is your wood splitter pretty heavy duty?" I said: "yes it is." She adds:, can you come over and split some oak I have, i'll pay you what ever you think is fair." So, I make plans with her to show up today, and as she already knew my back is shot, she added that she would have a couple "helpers" there.
So I show up over there, and she had at least 50 red oak blocks like this one,
and a bunch more this size!
My helpers set the blocks on the splitter, (along with chain sawing out more of them) and along with her, they filled/stacked all they could get in the building in the pict... THEN continued to make a stack outside too! lol
I pushed every one of them through the 4-way and some of them were so big they had to be pushed through 3 and 4 times to get them down to "burning" size! Damn, she had some BIG blocks over there, and most of them were tough crotches!
It took 3 hours of steady hard work, but I got it done! lol Boy, was she ever impressed! lol AND those poor young guys, I worked there buts off! lol
She paid me well, I hope they got paid well too...