So that's why Gypo has one...

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What's up with Gypo?
His post have been drab with not smart remarks,ever since he returned from his last trip.Do you think he is mellowing out on us or does he just have one thing on his mind lately?
I dont know about anyone else but I want the old Gypo back.
Even though he cant file a chain.
Yeah, I noticed the same thing with Gypo. Hope it`s just his recovery stage from his trip, I`m looking forward to his return, even if he can`t file. He definitely makes a statement with his 200hp KD 088, but I`m not sure if he`s saying "I have a really big saw" or "filing technique does not matter when your saw is this large", lol. Russ the Retard:jester:
The thing that makes Gypo different is that while most of us are either "right-brained" or "left-brained" from birth (refering to the two brain hemispheres), John can be either "upper-brained" or "lower-brained" depending on given circumstances. Right now, he's exhibiting traits indicative of a "lower-brain" bias.

This being the case, John's future posts should probably bear his full given first name, Johnson.
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If Gypo (Walt Lambert) doesn't wanna show his face on here anymore on here or answer his phone at home, I just may not let him see Robyn's kid when it is born next month!...Rick
Originally posted by mryb
If Gypo (Walt Lambert) doesn't wanna show his face on here anymore on here or answer his phone at home, I just may not let him see Robyn's kid when it is born next month!...Rick

I knew he was the one who knocked up Robyn
I was the guilty party that did her in on John''s butternut dinning room table while he made a beverage run. We found out its a boy, so we're gonna name it butternut....Rick
I just can't imagine his little sister going through life with a name like Supermarketbathroom.
I dont know whats goin on with Gypo these days, he's in another freakin world altogether.
He thinks he's Superman. I saw him dump 40, 125' 20" White Spruce today in a Downtown Burg in 4 tanks of fuel with a Jonyred 2171G with 16" bar and got out before 3 leaf kissers cornered him with a camera crew about to arrive. My bro's got no time for leaf kissers and would just as soon nail their balls to a stump, give them a dull butcher knife and yell, "FIRE".
Regardless, I think he's bringing a whole new dimension to the phrase, " Face Plant".
Gypo's brother John