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Just like in a relationship everyone needs to change. I think it would be so much easier for everyone to just change the browser setting once. This way we all can stop the resizeing.

Anyway this is a picture of an oak with lead broken out and totally detatched from the trunk and stuck in the ground. What you don't see is the 30 ton crane to just pick the piece up and set it down somewheres else. We hazard pruned and cleaned up all by 930.
Originally posted by BigJohn
I'm sorry my web browser automaticly resizes them for me after it is done loading. I know how but why. I didn't save it as 2x4 foot poster as it comes up on here. Maybe the web master needs a good talking to.
It's not the webmaster who needs the talking-to, it's the makers and users of computer software that prevents the user from even knowing the first thing about the simple crap they're trying to do.
Just like in a relationship everyone needs to change. I think it would be so much easier for everyone to just change the browser setting once. This way we all can stop the resizeing.
Yes.  Change your browser setting so that it doesn't hide from you the fact that you're transacting in enough digital data to reproduce half the Library of Congress just to see a shapshot.  You're not resizing, how can you stop?

Why resize?
We started our line clearance contract this week. Didn't take long to remember how much this type of work sucks.
Woke up Saturday morning and decided to go climb this cottonwood for something to do. Probably eight or nine tries to land the throwbag.
This was probably the highest I've ever climbed so it was a personal challenge that I was happy to overcome.
Pulled up a gym bag with water, a phone and a camera and called my buddy to come take a few photos.
I'm pretty self centered so it's not very hard to post a bunch of pictures of myself.:)
I was impressed with the girth of the S.O.B. and hope to climb it again before the snow falls. According to the farmers almanac that should be next week. With the hurricane family ripping up the south I shouldn't complain though.
Originally posted by netree
But... but... but... where's the hardhat?

I know, I know....It must be psychological but I have trouble wearing it when I'm not on the clock.
Today I had the pleasure of teaming up with friend John Stewart on one of my jobs, 3 large dead oaks, lot's of wood and great log that will supply enough milled wood for a new house.
Here is one of John doing his magic, a true pro arborist to say the least.
Dang, Rob!

Don't bee skeered of the Party Thread! :blob2:

A great day, perfect weather and an audience of school kids cheering on the climber to cut down the tree, John's comment was " they should be chanting save the tree save the tree"
Just shows how dedicated John is as an arborist who not only possesses extensive technical knowledge and dedication to arborculture.