TreeHouse Elder

MasterBlaster said:I can't believe how intelligent those cats appeared.
geofore said:Don't you carry a pair of binoculars with you to look the trees over before you bid if you're not going to climb them before you bid? Just looking from the ground you'll miss a lot but with the binoculars you can step back and see more of what is going on in the top as you walk around the tree and look.
I've used a Saddle hitch for tying water bottles and other containers on to a climber life-line before, but a Clove may give a bit more of a bite.Tom D. Wilson said:what happens when your at the top of one of them mothers and you need a slash?
was practicing climbing lime trees last week, my mate who was acting as grounds man nearly shat himself. i was a bout 25 ft up with another ten to go and heard this curious rumbling noise, turn my my head too see about 70 sheep stampeeding towards us, i just laughed from the safety of my perch as my mate tried shinning up the trunk to get out of the way.
+ never uderestemate the power of a clove hitch, i'v found its just the thing for getting your grounds man to tie your thermous flask to the line. Nowt better than sitting at the top of a tree with a nice cup-a-tea enjoying the view.
geofore said:Don't you carry a pair of binoculars with you to look the trees over before you bid if you're not going to climb them before you bid? Just looking from the ground you'll miss a lot but with the binoculars you can step back and see more of what is going on in the top as you walk around the tree and look.