Originally posted by Chucky
GEEZ-ZUS, Derek, don't you have buckets down there below???
I guess climbing in a dead tree is pretty tame after the day-to-day dealings you have with dangerous criminals, giant poisonous spiders and high-voltage transmission lines!!!
I knew my mood would change (trolls

)..I even got zapped by Darin,,,Opps!..
You so funny Chucky...Cracks me up every time
I rather the green ones much better, The dead ones take so much longer..Wait till you see the pics of the other dead one I did (14 hours from now) The line job was so great, got some very nasty zaps, got knocked out or the tree by zaps aswell, Hanging there by a pole strap, kicking like mad to try to get my feet back in
to the tree, must of looked histericial!
Spiders I just larf at these days, have to, size of dinner plates round here!!, ya can get them of your neck and play yo-yo with them, then through (gently) like a frisbe! they float down real well to..
Nar no buckets round here {E.W.P} would be very handy on the dead ones, they just dont behave nicley...
Its the termite infested ones that give me the creeps, dont allways know there there untill your up there..
Then realy watch your step...Then to, a bucket would only get me so far..Gums here are 165 feet at times, bit out of the budjet for one of them at the monent...(long moment)
Today off (need to rest left hip) strainded it a little, Sat and Sun clearing a road so a house can be moved along it...
Ill do it for FREE just to be swinging from tree to tree like I did on the line, gee I miss that,
He offered me a good "day rate" to get the edges of the road done, i'll get 70m done without touching the ground, the other side will be better a 100 m section of real heavey stuff..
The owner has a 6 tonne mini excervatior and truck to match
he'll follow me picking it up..How cool!! (bloody big house to move
ill get some shots of it before, get the owner to take some of my "leap of faith" during...Should be a treat!!..Derek..
Hey Chucky, dont know if you saw the series of shots, I posted months ago..I took some before shots, it might of been my last tree EVER heres the first "before" shot, just getting set up..
How close does this look to 330,00 volts? and the dew/wet leaves let you feel a lot of power!!