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Cut a big nasty Siberian Elm (4ft dbh). When I made the face cut I knew I had a potential problem-a couple of gallons of water came pouring out on initial cut. I opened the face up so I could see-not hollow but there was a crack running up the interior. Included bark was evident at the forks but the lower trunk seemed solid until encountering this interior crack (but as it turned out it the inclusions actually ran all the way into the ground). The tree was in the open so I proceeded albeit with extreme caution. It held together until it began to fall then came apart and two thirds of it laid out at 60 degrees to the intended lay. Examining the stump revealed the interior problems and how a deeper notch MIGHT have helped (due to the way it fractured my notch wound up being a Dutchman for the wayward section to start into then fall into the gap of buttressing roots -A deeper notch would have put the hinge across that big buttress root and the greater hinge width might have held the section on the stump.) no harm was done but I sure don't like it when things go out of control. :eek:
today, i was the grounide. worked in portland w/our ASbrother,ORclimber. it was the the first time we had met in person (cool!). we had a very smooth day. Eric seemed a little concerned that the job was taking too long- three hours to get this brush and tops down and in the truck. was a (severely) rotted of the three vertical stems had a gap in it you could see eric's entire head through. kind of a tight drop zone and delicate under canopy-vinemaples and other decorational flowering plants on a hill side as well as other trees larger trees to avoid. the home owner was quite picky and concerned for the safety of the landscaping. we stepped it up in the 2nd half of the day and knocked it OUT. splitting and carrying the log up hill, across the creek, and into the front yard. i am feelin it! but it feels good. forgot a very important piece of equipment at home today though- the freakin camera. sorry, no pics oh well. my bad. thanks again eric :cool: good workin w/ ya.
MasterBlaster said:
Cool! So how was Mr. Ladue? Hireable? :)

Absolutely. Think he'd do better on his own though...says the self employed guy, that'd like to hire him as a sub as needed.

I needed someone on the ground that could communicate with the customer. This customer requires a lot of communication, and fired their last arborist for "being rude". When she was concerned about me killing the english ivy by dropping chunks of wood on it, Jason came through. Dang hard worker too.
wow i finally found someone with worse grammer and speelliinngg than me" husky 372 how bout this day im sittin on my ass about to go train at the climbing gym while i pocket 700. for a landscaping sub ... awwww and my boys are taking a break frpm tree work haha hauling mulch ... no way i told them what we were doing today till we got there ...they would have never showed ...tree dogs and only tree dogs .... they kept asking me why we only needed 2 saws and no ropes ...hehe i jus said oh welll youll see when we get there this is a really easy tree job ... well i wuz gonna cut these 2 bushes down but the neighbor came out and dug umm up ... so i hauled them off and he want me to bid a huge landscaping / tree job .....rt. on .... keeping fingers crossed easy money ..... dark
Ya, I climbed all day without spikes, I love my new job. Don't get me wrong though, I still loves me a good TD. Thats what really gets the blood pumpin right?
Anybody see Rocky in the top?

My regular job was slow so I booked off on overtime and went to work for myself. Did three quotes in the morning and T/D'd three different trees in the afternoon. If it doesn't rain Saturday, I have six trees to T/D at one house and a large maple at another as well a couple limb removals. Everyone of them has sheds, fences or houses under them :dizzy: . Just once I'd like to take a tree down that doesn't have anything under, through or around it...just once! HC
vharrison2 said:
Awsume shot, I see three guys.
I'm the one on the lower left. That was a fun day. We met up in Quincy Fla and Monkeypuzzle took us to that big @ss pine. I think there were 5 of us that day. Greg from Jacksonville (a member of this site) is in the pic lower right.
We need to get another group together again for a rec climb!
the real sin of tnttreemans job......was a beautiful old house like that with a DAM home depot piece of crap replacement door. the tree should have flattened the house so they don't have a chance to, vinyl side and put US window factory windows in.