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My sympathies.

I helped remove a number of mulberries, a good sized elm and a bunch of other assorted junk trees in prep for a building project. Another extremely warm day here in Ontario. Had a ball, back to the other job tomorrow.
ran are bobcat T300 and made 300yd. of chips
Today I rented a 6 inch chipper and made a mount of chips as tall as my truck. It cost me 100 I paid Juan 150 for 4 hrs work.
I went 40 feet up a red oak and took out 3 leaders cut and drop.
I wear baseball gloves and a small lateral where I cut my notch caught on my glove on the last leader. I always push trees around when their in the air and just breaking free of the thin notch. Perhaps I shouldnt do this so much. It weighed about 500 lbs and just barely snagged my glove. I cant wait till spring to shed the gloves.
Thank you TM and Treeco and Oscar for your thoughts.
It is a very tuff time for us but it will make us stronger.
Climb safe.
my deepest sympathies,
My father just died last august from lymphoma.

I went out to the landing and the mud was butt deep on a giant so I went to macdonalds for breakfast, and went home.
Since this is one of the most viewed threads I tought I would bring it back up.

Today I did a DT on a Norway maple that was so rotten 6 inch limbs were falling off. It had some cables in it, and neither of us had bolt cutters or hacksaw with us.

I cut some chunks at the j-lags and let them hang, but the rigging kept getting tangled in the cables.

Then i had a V-8 moment, put a krutzklem in the cable to support the weight and take the cable grip off at the trunk and lower the block down.

Dee-DEE-deeeee (ala Carlos Mencia)
today i did some grass cutting contract work at vickers defence services' old tank factory. stihl 4mix strimmers are tonnes quieter than the 2stroke versions but every joint in my body aches now cos we forgot the strap so i had it all to do around the trees, walls etc freehand.

and then went back to the yard and split some serious loggage, made a huge mess and decided it was best to clear it up some other time. :D
I'm going to try to line this up for tomorrow, off local CL......[
I have this enormous tree in my back yard, My husband and I would love for it to be completly gone but don't have the finances it would cost too pay someone so if you know how to climb a latter and work a chain saw email me and you can keep all that you cut its great fire wood The tree is about 400 yaers old and there is no acess for power lifts. So it would take a couple of guys and ladders with some ropes to get the job done.]
I've got a bunch of short "latters" I can duct tape together and some old garden hose I can use for a climbing line. Apparently they will let me keep all the wood I can cut before a limb swings down and knocks the "latter" out from under me and I break my back when I hit the ground. They might even be the good host types that will offer beers or maybe some dope while we (me and meth head I'll hire for the day) are hurting ourselves and damaging their property. :dizzy: p.s.- if I can't find my latters I'll bring my formers.
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I've done a few of those over time on T&M contracts. One is a gigundus willow clump (babilonica) the type where going up the trunk is like bouldering.

This is my 5th year on putting in one crew day on a set budget for them. My first offer was 7k to get it to a stump with a crane, chipper and 2 tri-axles.
Bummer, I'm pruning palm trees, live and laurel oaks and bottlebrush trees. I'm getting a sunburn, need to have pool-babe put some sunscreen on.

Not meaning to rub it in, JP...... actually, I guess I do mean to rub it in. I am a cruel and mean bastage. I need a Pepsi.

My flight back to Indiana is later this evening. Tomorrow, I go back to work.
Sometimes the lines between vacation and work are gray. You have to be a treeguy to understand.
Going to town to look at a tree and then get some gas and come home and get the snowmobile out for a few laps. Then down to Rockford Il and go swimming. A bud there has a 20'x40' in ground pool that is outside without a lid. He opened it up on April 1. I talked with him this AM and he cranked up the heater to 95. Margarita's, pool, blizzard...does it get any better?????
a ball ache of a day. pruning, crown lifts, and prepping another tree to fell was fun, getting dehydrated was not, and nor was the rescue mission when a wheel hub broke off the chipper on the way back to base!

just wait for tomorrows video of us deliberately felling this big bastid right through this condemned building :D
Took down a 28" sugar maple over an old farmhouse w/ slate roof and brick chimney. 2 leaders going over the house, 2 going away. Also in the landing zone was a satellite dish, bulkhead doors, several trees that were staying, and a steep piece of ledge sloping back to the house. Tree was about 10' from the house and had a solid lean to the house. End result, lots of rope work and everything went where it was supposed to. Fun tree, pretty low stress and the best clean up. Homeowner was keeping the wood and gonna burn the brush. No rake ever touched the ground. Gotta love it!

Man, it s nice to leave all the sh t lay. You can just show up just w the pick up. Not for us today. We cleaned it all up and boomed the stem of a 3' dia silv maple P.O.S. that had just blown the top out. I knew it was hollow, so after stripping it to slam the trunk, like I always do I boomed over and checked for the raccoon surprise. There he (or she) was snoozing, or pretending to. She was shaking heavy so I knew she was playing possum. Wanted to drop a big chunk before the stem but didn t want mamma landing on my neck while I was unaware running a 046. Figured she would survive the slammer from the ground so when we put the yankovich on it and it hit the ground she went running through the yard along w a squirrel that was mid stem I guess. The surprise was 3 fistsize babies that were laying under momma. Man just as cute as hell. We put them in a crate and put them in a brush area rr lawn. Have had real good luck w squirrel babies in that momma gets them in the night after. Hope it works w coons and they are gone tomorrow.
I just called in to see what was going on, haven't been here much since the linkbucks thing. Lot of the old members seem to be gone now.:(
That's the way of all online communities. People come and people go, and the forums keep on chugging along. I get to have a VA appointment today - find out how good or bad my numbers are. God bless my VA!