So what do you do when....

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The last time I found myself in that perdicament (and it seems to happen more often than I like to admit), I took a little hike off the road with my saws and stashed them in the woods. Dosen't work that way all the time though, truck dosen't always break down where there are plenty of trees. :cheers:


Just throw a note on the saw saying "if this saw is int in my truck you body will be soon"

Cover them up in the back seat and lock the doors. Never had a problem unless I'm in the inner city....
Until i got to the counter with the clamps and the water , with my ski mask on, and my saws idling to keep them "limber".

The woman took one look at me and hit the floor.I heard a low moan and a lot of gasping for breath,and i started to wonder if she was okay.I leaned over the counter after putting my saws on the floor and asked her if she was okay.
"please dont kill me, just take what you want and leave!"

To prevent these issues, next time, I'd recommend you turn the saws OFF before checking out!

Just trying to help! :laugh::biggrinbounce2:
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My neighbor and I had a similar situation happen to us a few years ago. We were coming back with a full truck and 16' trailer (loaded to the gills, I tell you!) and the U-joint on the driveshaft broke. I managed to get my neighbor (had to pay him with the entire load of wood for that day to get him to do it) to bungee himself to the underside of the truck, and we hooked up the Echo to the driveshaft with some bailing wire. He fired that sucker up and we made it home in record time. I really hate wasting a good day's work only to give my half of the load away.
My neighbor and I had a similar situation happen to us a few years ago. We were coming back with a full truck and 16' trailer (loaded to the gills, I tell you!) and the U-joint on the driveshaft broke. I managed to get my neighbor (had to pay him with the entire load of wood for that day to get him to do it) to bungee himself to the underside of the truck, and we hooked up the Echo to the driveshaft with some bailing wire. He fired that sucker up and we made it home in record time. I really hate wasting a good day's work only to give my half of the load away.

The first liar ain't got a chance! :laugh:

Having started wood cutting with a 70 Dodge Sweptline, I can relate. :) I met the nicest people when that old truck would break down.

Hiking into town with two chainsaws and making the checker faint, priceless! You have a way of telling a story.
For some reason, this video reminded me of this thread:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
For some reason, this video reminded me of this thread:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

That's hilarious. I would rather take my saw for a walk then get the shot. I guess if they take over healthcare, we'll be forced to though:greenchainsaw:
Your truck breaks down and you got your saws with you?

Had a real sucky day today.Morning was rainy, but figured, what the heck,whats a little rain, eh?
Loaded the saws, and went and cut some wood.After an hour or so had the trailer full of nice red oak, and headed home.
Driving along,enjoying the heat, and all of a sudden,pow.Steam coming out from under the hood of the ole trusty dodge.Pulled over.
A quick look confirmed that a hose clamp broke on a radiator hose.Lost most of the water and no spare clamp in the toolbox.Guess its time to walk.
Was fixing to leave the truck, then thought of my saws.Had the 372 and the 357 along for the day.I knew that some low life would come along and spot them in the back seat of the truck and bust a window out to get em.Needless to say, i took em with me.

There was a Pilot truck stop a little less than a mile,and I figured that they would have a hose clamp and some water and set off.By the looks of folks cruising by, I guess they had never seen a guy wandering along the highway with two chainsaws flung over a shoulder.
When I got to the Pilot, I figured that I would have some explaining to do,but short of a few stares nobody said a word to me.Until i got to the counter with the clamps and the water.

The woman took one look at me and hit the floor.I heard a low moan and a lot of gasping for breath,and i started to wonder if she was okay.I leaned over the counter after putting my saws on the floor and asked her if she was okay.
"please dont kill me, just take what you want and leave!"
I assured her that I had no intentions of taking anything,meant no harm,and explained why I had such an arsenal along with me.I guess she had seen to many movies or something, it took her ten minutes to get back off the floor.
Meanwhile, quite a crowd had gathered, and i handed out business cards while the crowd had a good laugh.I was going to explain that I was dressed as a logger for halloween,but I figured that since Halloween is two weeks away they would never believe me.I opted for the truth and explained my predictament.One old guy offered to drive me back to my truck, but I guess his wife thought that wasnt a good idea.
I paid for my stuff, and was just headed to the door when a State Trooper came in.He didnt have his gun drawn or anything, but he sure looked ornery.
Again, i had to explain what I was doing and why I was carrying two chainsaws.Luckily for me, he had a sense of humor and even offered to carry me back to the truck.
To make a real long story a little shorter, he carried me back to the truck and waited until the truck was running.Gave him my business card, he said he had a tree in his yard that needed to come down and I promised him to give him a good deal as a thanks for the ride.
Sheesh, Im glad to be home!
True Patriot right here no saw left behind!
Some days are like that....A couple years ago I was towing my SXS to South Dakota with my son for prairie dog shoot. Blew the transmission on my old 94 Explorer. Ended up with a lot of guns, etc. sitting at the local Ford dealer in there. Left with a new F150. Sent my wife a photo of the window tag and continued on with the trip. :)