So what's the current Two stroke oil favorite for

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why is he testing 2t oil on a 4t slow speed engine?
he's an ex-army guy. obviously for fun ,out of curiosity and because subscribers too were curios what would be the "outcome". if that engine would seize solid not much would be lost since its a cheap engine. but the knowledge would be there for others to use or... NOT use 😁
oil in the crankcase 4t, for sure, was also / I meant that at the revolutions of the mower and at a lower temperature, this 2t oil will leave a completely different residue
Most of us americans are getting paid next to nothing at work imagine $7.25 per hour and $1.50 is taken from your pay every hour for taxes.
That is the current rate where i live i am only bringing home right now $200 per week.
I would move.
And if you are indeed making $7.50 an hour you pay zero income taxes and in fact the .government gives you free money in the form of the earned income tax credit.
Looks like the average American wage is $19/hr. McDonalds here pays $13/hr, and they are BEGGING for people willing to show up, on time, and sober. The Taco Bell that just got built in town had to close down again two months after opening because they didn't have staff. I made more than $7.5/hr in high school. Not trying to be rude, but Bwalker is right, move the hell out of that area if that's all the better wages are. Most of the country is most certainly not like that.
Looks like the average American wage is $19/hr. McDonalds here pays $13/hr, and they are BEGGING for people willing to show up, on time, and sober. The Taco Bell that just got built in town had to close down again two months after opening because they didn't have staff. I made more than $7.5/hr in high school. Not trying to be rude, but Bwalker is right, move the hell out of that area if that's all the better wages are. Most of the country is most certainly not like that.
What do you mean by "sober"? Are a lot of americans that heavy drinkers or my understanding of english is that bad? At $13 to $19 US dollars for an hour of work you'd find A LOT of romanians willing to work that job 😁 . Now,I don't know what is the cost of living in that area or in USA generally speaking. But it sounds liveable life ,at a glance. Probably better then in Romania. Plus you don't have russian soldiers around ready to invade you or drop rockets on your house 🙄
What do you mean by "sober"? Are a lot of americans that heavy drinkers or my understanding of english is that bad? At $13 to $19 US dollars for an hour of work you'd find A LOT of romanians willing to work that job 😁 . Now,I don't know what is the cost of living in that area or in USA generally speaking. But it sounds liveable life ,at a glance. Probably better then in Romania. Plus you don't have russian soldiers around ready to invade you or drop rockets on your house 🙄
Painting with a very broad brush here, but entry level jobs are generally held by high school or maybe college kids, who are just getting started in the working world, or by older folks who have made zero progress in their lives and are still working minimum wage jobs, and who have usually made other poor life decisions, such as substance abuse.

This isn't everyone, as I said I was painting with a very broad brush. You'll see plenty of hateful comments towards me for this, no doubt. There are plenty of legit and respectable reasons for adults with skills and drive to be working minimum wage jobs, but they won't stay there long.

At this point, coming out of years of unemployment in many industries due to covid lockdowns, and for a lot of folks unemployment is still running merrily along, I have a huge amount of respect for anyone who is working right now, at any job.
Painting with a very broad brush here, but entry level jobs are generally held by high school or maybe college kids, who are just getting started in the working world, or by older folks who have made zero progress in their lives and are still working minimum wage jobs, and who have usually made other poor life decisions, such as substance abuse.

This isn't everyone, as I said I was painting with a very broad brush. You'll see plenty of hateful comments towards me for this, no doubt. There are plenty of legit and respectable reasons for adults with skills and drive to be working minimum wage jobs, but they won't stay there long.

At this point, coming out of years of unemployment in many industries due to covid lockdowns, and for a lot of folks unemployment is still running merrily along, I have a huge amount of respect for anyone who is working right now, at any job.
Around here one can't afford to stay unemployed long; you can't live without a job of any kind. You're at risk of litterally dieing with no job or unwilling to work for various reasons. Unless you're into "fresh girls" from broken families and pimping them in Germany. Then your "problems" are of other kind,like avoid police and what next BMW M series should I get? 😂
The very succesfull pimps drive S class ,M5s or one a Lamborghini aventador...
20 years ago wanted to be a truck driver in USA,was willing to leave all relatives/familly for that. Until I realised I can't start many mornings without them ,and not going insane litterally... I'm better off poor but with loved ones around! 😎
Around here one can't afford to stay unemployed long; you can't live without a job of any kind. You're at risk of litterally dieing with no job or unwilling to work for various reasons.
I have strong opinions on this, but this is the wrong thread and section for them. I'll bow out of the discussion at this point.
What do you mean by "sober"? Are a lot of americans that heavy drinkers or my understanding of english is that bad? At $13 to $19 US dollars for an hour of work you'd find A LOT of romanians willing to work that job 😁 . Now,I don't know what is the cost of living in that area or in USA generally speaking. But it sounds liveable life ,at a glance. Probably better then in Romania. Plus you don't have russian soldiers around ready to invade you or drop rockets on your house 🙄
McDonalds is paying $15 per hour in my area and offering college scholarships in addition. A guy can make $25-30 pretty easily doing manual labor. And everyone is hiring.
The place I work starts laborers out at $26 and change and Operators at $42.
The point is there are opportunities out there. You just have to go where they are.
Around here one can't afford to stay unemployed long; you can't live without a job of any kind. You're at risk of litterally dieing with no job or unwilling to work for various reasons. Unless you're into "fresh girls" from broken families and pimping them in Germany. Then your "problems" are of other kind,like avoid police and what next BMW M series should I get? 😂
The very succesfull pimps drive S class ,M5s or one a Lamborghini aventador...
20 years ago wanted to be a truck driver in USA,was willing to leave all relatives/familly for that. Until I realised I can't start many mornings without them ,and not going insane litterally... I'm better off poor but with loved ones around! 😎
In America there are people that go their entire lives without working. That's part of the reason there is such a demand for labor from Mexico. Say what you want but those immigrants work.
It's a trade off. If you live where wages are high, the area usually has a high cost of living, is run by morons, the infrastructure beats the crap out of your vehicles which cost you even more money, people are generally miserable and rude, the weather sucks 8 months out of the year, and road salt finishes what the crappy roads couldn't on your wheeled investment. I'd be much happier making $4 an hour in a state that didn't steal every nickel you earned both directly and indirectly, and with people who still fear God and believe in our Nation AS FOUNDED.

That's all I've got to say about that. :)
It's a trade off. If you live where wages are high, the area usually has a high cost of living, is run by morons, the infrastructure beats the crap out of your vehicles which cost you even more money, people are generally miserable and rude, the weather sucks 8 months out of the year, and road salt finishes what the crappy roads couldn't on your wheeled investment. I'd be much happier making $4 an hour in a state that didn't steal every nickel you earned both directly and indirectly, and with people who still fear God and believe in our Nation AS FOUNDED.

That's all I've got to say about that. :)
Let me guess. You live in the midwest?
In America there are people that go their entire lives without working. That's part of the reason there is such a demand for labor from Mexico. Say what you want but those immigrants work.
Ok, now you lost me... What do you mean "entire lives without working"?! How is that possible? Does money drop from sky and one just has to collect it?
What you say it's not possible around here where I live. It would very likely be taken as a joke if you would tell that to someone here...
Not just individual people, sometimes there are multiple generations in a family who don't work.

Edit: So much for bowing out.

Anyone heard of using 10:1 biodiesel for two stroke mix?
10:1 that's 10 parts gas to 1 of biodiesel?
Could be do-able. But why?!
Project Farm tested quite a few oils on 2 stroke engines! I see no point in this. Why damage or fully destroy a good engine by using what isn't recommended?! I was carefull even in an old cast iron inline six BMW from an era when engines were built for reliability ,using fully synthetic oils ,in engine,gearbox or differential(ok the 4,44 ratio diff was a hard one,requiring old specs oil... Not necesarilly synthetic)...
For me it's much easier to use what the manufacturer recommends. After all THEY spent millions of dollars or euros to design build and test the thing I'm buying... Think they know "a bit" more then me regarding the mechanical stuff... As is the oil lubrication requirements!

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