23days(this month) X 8hrs X 15€\h = 2760euros brutto.....
Is 1760euros/mont over here after taxes (no kids no other tax relief no..)
https://data.si/izracun-place/View attachment 973046
Dodatki = extras.... ie transport to work (you dont have that over there)
Strošek delodajalca = how much must boss pay to the state (3254 euros)
But we have free health ensurance (still its better if you are ensured some extra...ie side ensurance)
60% of working people here recieves minimum vage.... ~ 970euros netto +/-
Brutto-brutto (what boss pays to the state= 3254e) vs netto (1784e)... Is around 40-44%
Even more if you count in taxes when you buy stuff (gasoline food alcohol etc).....