Here is a quote from Roger Sanders, the designer of a homemade (drip style) waste oil heater he calls the “Mother Earth News Waste Oil Heater”. His design is probably the most copied... He sells the book of plans to build it for $22.50. The heater can be built for as little as $50.oo if you scrounge some of your parts. Roger states that it doesn’t have to be built exactly as his, he uses old water heaters but any suitable combustion chamber will work. I’m not saying this is substantiated proof; I’m only quoting the designer...
"Commercial waste oil heaters use large amounts of electricity, which is expensive and defeats the idea of using 'free' fuel and being environmentally responsible. They atomize the oil through a nozzle. The contaminants in the oil are atomized as well, and a blower is used, causing the contaminants to be blown out the flue into the atmosphere. The contaminants include toxic substances such as heavy metals (lead, zinc, cadmium. chromium) that are better left behind in a burner rather than being discharged into the atmosphere where we can breathe them.
So vaporization heaters like the Mother Earth News heater are more 'green' than an atomization heater. My heater distills the oil, automatically removing heavy metals from the oil before burning it. This heater effectively eliminates airborne, heavy metal pollution. I consider my heater to be environmentally friendly and essentially pollution-free."