Don't have a clue how effecient oil burning stoves are, But no i would not soak my wood in oil. My stove is inside and talk about a mess.
Don't see a need to to it anyway as the dry wood does fine. I would think the oil would stink up the house and mess up my stove. Dunno, Not gonna try it anyway, With that being said i do use it to start brush fires.
I know a mechanic up the road burns all he has in a barrel stove in his shop. You can tell when it's going to. A plume of solid black smoke from the pipe. I guess it's cheap for him as he gets a lot of oil from changing it in cars.
Don't see a need to to it anyway as the dry wood does fine. I would think the oil would stink up the house and mess up my stove. Dunno, Not gonna try it anyway, With that being said i do use it to start brush fires.
I know a mechanic up the road burns all he has in a barrel stove in his shop. You can tell when it's going to. A plume of solid black smoke from the pipe. I guess it's cheap for him as he gets a lot of oil from changing it in cars.