Tree Freak
9x16 is bigger than both my bathrooms and laundry all together!
Bathrooms are 5x8 and laundry is 6x5
Bathrooms are 5x8 and laundry is 6x5
A 40' box around here is from 2000- 2500I contacted a conex company about buying a box
Tall shitters are handy even if you aren't old. My folks have a lift kit toilet, they put it in after my Dad got a hip replaced (and he's not that old). I find it's way easy to use than a low boy toilet.
The one we have in the shop feels like I'm kissing my knees. Thankfully there's a heavy duty pull bar in front of it, cause it'd be a son of a gun to get up!
9x16 is bigger than both my bathrooms and laundry all together!
Bathrooms are 5x8 and laundry is 6x5
Those were my thoughts also.
Our main floor laundry/half bath is 7.5' x 8.5'. I am sure that if we had stacked the laundry (they aren't now, they are side by each), a shower would fit in there no problem. If we left them alone & doubled the room size, we could have a shower and jacuzzi in there with room to spare.
I think its kind of funny in a way. She started out wanting to build a 900sqft house. I said from the get go that wasnt going to work. The problem is she has been looking at house plans for several years and has to many ideals. She kept telling me what she wanted and she had seen it in other house plans.. I told her I couldnt read her mind, where is that plan you keep talking about. Well, she had it saved on her computer and I made her make a copy. Once I looked at it, it was a simple adjustment. I took the measurements and started on the front wall and started drawing the lines. Except my rooms where 16ft wide already and her plan had 13ft wide rooms. So instead of bedrooms that where 13x11, I have bedrooms that are 13x16. Once I was done drawing, she said thats it! Whoopie. I told her to make copies of the drawing and then make any changes she wants on the copies. House has grown from 900sqft to just over 1300sqft. With garage, it will be 1700sqft. Now I think I am going to redraw the house with just the 13x13 bedrooms and see if she can live with that. Long way from 900sqft.