Well it's about time!!!

I have no idea.What's top RPM on the saw? It sounds like 14K
No.Is the saw in your video ported?
I don't know for sure yet. Most immediately, I just want to get it 100% mechanically. I might do a full restoration with powder coat. I really haven't decide yet. Once thing's for sure...it WILL be run! If I can't hear this saw run, it's not worth owning!What are your plans for it? Rehab or resto?
Definitely not.You gonna port it?
I have the Echo twin, in John Deere colors. There is no comparison. While the Echo is a collectible saw, it has nothing of the sound of the Solo. Use wise, It's not near as powerful, but is also much smaller. If anything, I would expect the Echo to be smoother. It's an opposing twin, while the Solo is a side-by-side.I would just make it mechanically sound, especially if your going to run it. Then you know what you got in there. IMO. Very cool saw, how does the Solo compare to a echo twin? I don't know anything about these twin cylinder saws, but I have ridden Yamaha Banshees and they are awesome sounding and quick. Keep us posted!