i respect all advice given but i believe i will do fine.all the best and god bless. bill howe.p.s my personal saftey dont matter to me i aint suicidal or any thing i just dont care or worry for that matter.god protects me.
SAAAAAAAYYYYYY...in the spirit of this thread, anyone an electrician here? :biggrinbounce2: see...i gots this 100,000volt main trunkline that i want to splice a few leads into....so i can run 500 feet of copper housewire out to the field, see? my plan is to drive rebar into the wet ground and wrap the copper around the rebar see? i want to keep them pesky deer outta my weed garden...they are cutting into my profits see......
so is this the best route to go? i read a book once and learned sum basic electricity by reading a few catalogs, and plan to do this anyways tommorow. but i still want to hear your opinion eh, cuz i'm stuboorn and like to argue....
i will be useing a husky 51 with a 16 inch bar for the most part but will put the 20 incher on it for some of the limbs.ihave a few handsaws 100 ft climb line my saftey and of course spikes and my el cheapo saddle.i cant put pics on computer is to small.i will tell how it goes when i do it.i have read all advice given and with the advice of another pro who has done it for some time who is not an as member i have elected to do it my self.i also offered other alternatives for the tree trimming to weight it away from lines and fences and cabling but ray said he dont want the tree just take it down. i respect all advice given but i believe i will do fine.all the best and god bless. bill howe.p.s my personal saftey dont matter to me i aint suicidal or any thing i just dont care or worry for that matter.god protects me.:hmm3grin2orange:
i know many of you think i should call a pro to do it but that is not an option
on the other hand i could ask a pro to watch me and help if it goes south, which it wont
the only thing that is gonna keep me outta that tree is if it falls on its own period.i dont have a bad feeling about it. i have climbed and worked in it and have consulted with pros about it.you can say what you would like but if it is stay on the ground kid i am not listening.good day billHoly smokes-two women just agreed with us guys!! Will wonders never cease?
Welcome to the site polly.
the only thing that is gonna keep me outta that tree is if it falls on its own period.i dont have a bad feeling about it. i have climbed and worked in it and have consulted with pros about it.you can say what you would like but if it is stay on the ground kid i am not listening.good day bill
hi my names bill howe and i do not do trees professionally yet and a friend of mine had me trimming a tree for him on monday.i do know a lot about trees and proper pruning and trimming practices but as i was doing it i found it has a cavity on one side oak wilt and it has heart rot. i told him that it was unsafe for his fence and power lines but it is not near his house.it is a good sized tree for this area eight ft diameter 110 ft canopy spread and seventy five foot tall.i already took the limbs out of the power but he wants it pieced out for fire wood and i have never done somting this big before. any advice would be greatly appreciated.my plan is to tie in with my climb line saftey and spurs. and because it is rotton but alive i will be taking pieces about fire wood length so i dont split it out and cause an accident. :chainsawguy: :newbie: :bang:
no i am not married or dating for that matter.